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May 10, 2024

Chris Gotterup

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Awesome finish to wrap up and currently in the lead. Take us through that finishing stretch there if you could.

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, I mean, we were really just executing shots pretty solidly down the stretch there. It got pretty windy, so definitely a good finish for me today.

Q. Coming into this week, is this something you feel you were trending in the right direction? Played well in Byron last week when you had to make a lot of birdies to stay in the mix there.

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, I think starting at Zurich, Zurich was really helpful for me. I kind of just been struggling a little bit, as you do in golf. But yeah, it was a fun week, and I just started playing a little bit better, a little bit better, and felt good last week at CJ, and yeah, I think I'm not surprised, but obviously there's a lot of golf left. I feel pretty good. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.

Q. This course in general, how does it set up to your eye so far through 36 holes?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, it's a little tricky when you've got the wind going on some cross-wind holes, but I definitely can take advantage on a couple holes with some length. Obviously you've got to hit it straight to do that.

But yeah, I think there's some good holes that I can get after that some guys may have trouble with some bunkers here and there. But just got to keep my pedal down and keep going.

Q. Just the mindset coming into the weekend, looks like you'll be in the lead or right around it. How does that shift in your mind?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I don't think it shifts much. Obviously there's a lot of good guys right in the mix there. Just got to go out and do what I'm trying to do and execute shots. Other than that, nothing is going to change.

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