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May 10, 2024

Jorge Campillo

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Just want to get your thoughts, kind of assessment two rounds in and heading into the weekend.

JORGE CAMPILLO: Yeah, I played quite solid. Off the tee, not so great, but not bad. The ball always was in play. My irons were actually very good, and my putting was solid. I've been putting not so good lately, and this week so far so good, so we'll see how the weekend goes.

Q. Fourth consecutive week in a row. Feeling fatigued at all or just nice to have these consecutive starts?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Well, it's always nice to make cuts. It makes it a lot easier. I'm used to playing a lot of golf and normally making a lot of cuts. I guess I'm used to this, and hopefully I'm ready for the weekend.

Q. First time seeing this course. Is there a certain number in mind for tomorrow now that you've seen it a couple of times?

JORGE CAMPILLO: Not really. It's actually quite a hard golf course. On the practice days it was very windy and I thought it was going to play tougher than it actually is right now. I don't know, just keep playing good. Someone is going to shoot low. Hopefully it's me over the weekend. If not, I'll give it my best. But yeah, the golf course is great this week.

Q. Coming over from the DP World Tour, how has the transition been playing over here in the U.S. a little more frequently?

JORGE CAMPILLO: It's not been easy. Well, a little easier for me. I went to college here a long time ago, but I did four years and a half, so it was a little easier. I struggle a little bit with the pace of play. I feel like they play so slow out here compared to over there, but besides that, everything is good, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to come here and play.

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