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May 10, 2024

George Bryan

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Maybe not some of the results you were looking for, but what has this week meant?

GEORGE BRYAN: I mean, this week -- again, I've said it earlier in the week, it's going to be tough to put into words what this week really meant. I came in here playing some pretty solid golf. Again, you're playing a PGA TOUR event in your home state, first event ever with your brother, whole family is here. Really didn't know what to expect, but I knew it was going to be special one way or the other, regardless of whether I shot 80-80 or 65-65. To shoot 73-70 was something that I'm going to remember for a long time.

The first tee shot yesterday, it all goes silent, and then I hear Andy yell, "Hooray, daddy." I melted. I've never melted on the golf course where I didn't even know if I was going to make contact, and I did there, and it was really cool to look back on and be like, man, so many memories were made.

But at the same time, it's like, I shot 73-70, probably missed the cut by two, maybe three. I'm like, I know I can come up with three strokes out there to be competing the weekend, maybe even more to be up the leaderboard. All in all, a special week, a fun week, and I'm excited for the future.

Q. Bermuda where you made your debut, not as many people came out. What was it like to have your mom out there, wife, kids, probably even local support?

GEORGE BRYAN: Yeah, it was crazy. I felt like every fairway we went down, let's go George, you're the beast, let's go. To feel the support throughout the whole day when you're kind of maybe not playing good and people out there supporting regardless, it's kind of a little boost.

But overall to feel my mom, my dad, Millsy, Annie, dad being here to watch and then local friends was amazing. But yeah, we had a massive gallery I felt like the whole two days. One guy that does full-time YouTube, another guy that does full-time YouTube and pro golf to feel the support and to see it, to tangibly see it, was incredible.

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