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May 9, 2024

Narin An

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Narin An after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup, just what was working so well for you today?

NARIN AN: I worried about my back because I got injury on Monday, like right doing warmup at the range. But it's like way better now, so I can hit few shots before today.

So I think, yeah, my shots was really good and putts was really good. Like was like, yeah.

Q. I asked you out there if you liked this course and you said yes. What do you like about this course?

NARIN AN: Yeah, I like the shape. Shape is really beautiful, especially like yesterday was really beautiful, the weather.

So, yeah.

Q. And last one: What will you take away from this round or what will you need to work on as you head into tomorrow?

NARIN AN: I think not many different as today. I mean, yeah, hit the fairway and hit the greens and putt. Yeah. So simple.

Q. It's that easy.

NARIN AN: Yeah, I know, but I'll try.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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