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May 9, 2024

Stephanie Kyriacou

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

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Q. All right, here with Steph Kyriacou after her first round here at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just take us through the round today. What went into today? Only one bogey and seven birdies on the card today.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, today was a very good day for me actually. I kind of just took advantage of the opportunities I gave myself. I mean, I hit a poor tee shot on 3 and made a bogey. Wasn't that exciting. Holed all those putts inside 10-foot for birdie and made some good up and downs and stayed steady the whole day.

Q. Everyone has said this course is pretty challenging. What is it about this course that makes it so challenging, and what are you able to kind of take advantage of? Clearly you took advantage of all the opportunities you could. What's challenging about the course and what are you able to take advantage of?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I think this course is quite tight for our season. The rough is up as well. And even around the greens it's kind of green in the rough, so it just makes it that little bit harder.

But I would say I'm pretty good off the tee so I think that's my advantage. This course kind of reminds me of home as well, so I feel pretty comfortable. Yeah, just I would say it's quite narrow and thick rough.

Q. What do you take away from a round like today? Is it more of a confidence boost or are there things you're thinking about working on heading into tomorrow?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I feel like I've been playing good golf for a few tournaments now. Just haven't been able to put a score together. So it was nice today to see like a score come through.

I mean, I'm not going to change anything. I haven't changed anything in the last month. I'm just going to keep rolling with it.

Q. Olympic year obviously. Very stacked Aussie team. How much of a goal is that? Grace Kim was in here earlier and she said friends before foes. How cool would it be to be a part of that team, and if not cheer on your fellow Aussies?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, Olympics is definitely a life goal of mine. It would be great. Even the International Crown, it's on a different level, but it's fun to have teammates.

It would be great. A lot of good Aussies upcoming now, so it is a challenge but it would be very exciting.

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