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May 9, 2024

Lindsey Weaver-Wright

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Lindsey Weaver-Wright after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Bogey-free. Take us through what was working so well for you today.

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I guess I had some good chips. I holed out on 10. Made that chip, so made a nice up and down on the first hole as well from like 30 yards. Didn't hit a very good drive.

And then I was able to make some putts and hit a lot of greens. I think I hit 14 greens and had some good looks at it pretty much all day.

So, yeah, I switched putters this past week so this is my first week with my new putter. Same one as I have been with, just a milled version, just a slightly different version.

I really like it so far. Yeah, so far so good with that. Yeah, it was just working pretty well today. Pretty consistent.

Q. Fifth round back after becoming a mom. Congratulations again.


Q. What's kind of been the process to get back into playing shape? That is not the right -- you know what I mean? You haven't picked up a club in a while. What's that process been like and where do you feel like your game is at right now?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I thought it would be a lot harder getting back into it and it is still challenging, but I think having kept with the fitness aspect throughout my pregnancy was really helpful for me just trying to bounce back. I had a C-section too, so that's obviously even worse recovery.

But, yeah, it's more so like for me just all mental. I don't use it as I guess for lack of a better word an excuse, but just I've tried to do what I've always done. I played really well last year while I was pregnant, so just trying to piggyback off that and the confidence that I had built up last year and being able to play as well as I did while being -- playing until I was seven months pregnant.

Just kind of trying to ride that into this year. And I think my perspective has also changed quite a bit. They always say that when you have a baby your perspective changes. I'm enjoying myself out here a lot more, and it is difficult. I'm traveling alone with my son for the last couple weeks and going to continue to do that. That's the plan for the summer.

But I love having him out here with me, and it's so nice having daycare and the treat after the round is to go and pick him up. He's a smiley when I come. It's the best and there is not much else that can be better than that.

Q. Obviously you've had a career of just -- your routine. How has that changed since having your son?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, it's definitely caused me to have to be more efficient just during practice, because he's with me while I practice every day. He's not at day care at home. So I feel like I'm always doing a balancing act a little bit.

My coach from U of A made a comment a couple weeks ago, and she said, there is no such thing as balance, just harmony. I thought that was really well put. That's how my life is. It's so true.

And so I've thought about that quite a bit, so I have her to thank for that. Yeah, it's definitely different. I don't have as much time for -- free time I guess.

I definitely noticed that. So, yeah, just trying to be more efficient with my time and the hours I do get to practice and spend at the golf course.

Q. Seeing a new crop of moms pop up. Has that been special to share that -- just off the top of my head, Mel Reid Caro Masson. Has it been special to share these moments with those girls?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, definitely. I was paired with Caro at Chevron and played with Aza today. Yeah, it's almost like a special bond that you have being a mother, and especially being a mother out here. It's very different versus just being another mom. It's like the travel aspect and all the things we have to go through bringing our kids on the road and stuff. It's very different.

Yeah, it's really nice to honestly have each other and have them as resources. I think Crew is -- Kai is like a month or so older than Crew, so Crew is the youngest. So just getting to pick their brains and talk to them about their experiences has been super, super helpful.

Q. Back to the golf. Everyone has said this is a very challenging course. Bogey-free on the day. What have you seen out of this course that you were able to take advantage of?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I think just the consistency of hitting greens and iron play and hybrids. This course is a little longer and I'm still not back to full distance pre-pregnancy or I guess -- yeah, pre-pregnancy, pre-birth, so golf courses are definitely longer for me a little bit now.

So just, yeah, I worked a lot last week on consistency and ball flight, just honing things in a little bit. I think it's gone pretty well so far.

Q. What do you take away from a bogey-free round to work on? If you make those mistakes those are the things you want to eliminate as you move on to Friday, hopefully Saturday, Sunday. What do you take away from a bogey-free round to work on and make yourself better?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, it's just a big confidence boost. I haven't had a ton of success at this course previously. I've been working with a sports psychologist out here to retrain my brain into thinking every tournament, every round, every hole is a new opportunity. So just trying to give myself a little more grace with that. She's been very helpful in that respect.

Yeah, just confidence and it helps.

Q. Obviously Mother's Day Sunday. Celebrating your first Mother's Day. How special will it be sharing this moment with your son hopefully playing on Sunday?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, it's just special. I think every week -- we live such a unique life at this point. Being able to have him out here and be with him on Mother's Day and playing on the LPGA, it's not exactly the path that I ever thought I would be on but it's awesome, and I think he is doing great out here and it's helped me so much.

So kind of unexpected positive, but, yeah, it's really special.

Q. Last one: Been asking all the players. We are here at the Founders Cup. We are celebrating pioneers Pat Bradley and Beth Daniel. What have they meant to you as you grew up watching or playing the game, and what do you think is important about remembering what them, not only them, but what the Founders have done for the LPGA?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, they just paved the way to what we are today. We're still growing. Look at our purses. They are just are skyrocketing at this point, which is great to see. I'm sure for them they didn't know if it would ever happen, so to see all growth over the past couple years has been amazing and wouldn't be here without them.

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