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May 9, 2024

Jin Hee Im

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jin Hee Im after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Solid 4-under round today. Can you talk about your round and the several birdies you had?

JIN HEE IM: I had seven birdies today and three bogeys. Actually I was worry about the raining today but it wasn't rain, so few par-5 was like reachable par-5 so I could get easy birdies there.

And especially my iron was really good today. I still miss few putts, so that's a little shame.

Q. And talk a little bit about that three-birdie stretch you had that holes 2, 3, and 4. Do you remember what you did on those holes?

JIN HEE IM: No. 2 I hit the green for two and just like two-putt birdie.

No. 3, I hit the second like three (indiscernible), so just easy birdie.

Next hole I made like four meter putt. Pretty much everything for three holes.

Q. Yeah. Talk a little bit about what you like about it golf course. This is the first time you're seeing it, right?

JIN HEE IM: Before start the tournament I was so worry about this course because when I had the practice round fairway so narrow and too many tiny holes. So I was so worry about that.

But just play day by day and get used to this course, and I'm just focusing on my swing and it works. I like these greens.

Q. You're a rookie this year. You played some really great golf so far and have a few events under your belt. Talk about what you've learned so far as a rookie.

JIN HEE IM: I'm really surprised. Last few weeks I played really good. I'm really happy to come media center every week. And, yes, and I'm rookie here, but I was on KLPGA for last five years and she had really successful year last year.

So like I'm rookie but history in KLPGA has a lot.

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