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May 9, 2024

Hannah Green

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Hannah Green. Already have two wins this season; great start here today. Tell me about your round out there today. How did it go?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, played really good on my first nine, which is the back nine of the golf course. Made a really nice eagle on the 12th hole. Holed one off the green, so nice to get the momentum.

Holed a couple of really long putts and just kept the momentum. Had a couple slipups on the back nine, but kind of to be expected at this venue. It's kind of hard not to have bogeys on the scorecard.

Yeah, super pleased with the start and looking forward to some rest before tomorrow.

Q. Just how difficult is this golf course? Was talking to Jason, like 13 yards wide on the 16th fairway. How crazy narrow and how difficult is it out there?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it is narrow. Especially I feel like coming from Wilshire. It's pretty generous off the tee and you're not actually hitting a lot of drivers, as to here you kind of want to hit driver so you have a shorter shot in.

Also brings more trees into play. I feel like I'm hitting it okay, even though the stats didn't say that I hit many greens or many fairways.

Yeah, missing your shots in the right place and missing even your shots on the correct side of the fairway can make a big difference, so hopefully I just play really well and strategically these next three rounds.

Q. I know had to wait a little bit for that win last year, but to have rattled off two this season this quickly, what's been clicking for you? What's been mentally for you out there?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I was talking to Hope earlier, and I don't know what it is, but I feel like there is almost like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I felt really motivated this off-season. I don't know if it was because -- I haven't played Tournament of champions before, but just seeing the girls play so well, and that was when I was practicing and getting ready, it just made me want to be out there even more.

So, yeah, just been really I guess a different mental state more than I think how my golf swing and my golf game has been.

Yeah, I'm still a little bit surprised I've had two wins this year, I'll be honest. Wilshire, obviously I really love it there. Singapore was a great putt on the last. I just want to keep putting myself in contention and having those moments of trying to win the trophy on Sunday.

Q. You're so nice, you're so chill. I know when it comes time to be crunch time you're really cold blooded out there. How to you switch your personality off the golf course to that competitive mindset?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think trying to practice as much as possible, being competitive. I like to do drills against myself and sometimes others depending on who is on the practice green. Us Aussies stick to putting comps and chipping comps, but it is hard to switch, and I think that's why some players -- some courses you play well, because you can actually switch off.

I can't concentrate for that long. I don't know who can concentrate for four to five hours consistently. That's why I might have a smile on my face and then I get into my serious mode.

Q. Looking ahead to the rest of the week, good start, figured some things out today, what will you take from today and apply to tomorrow?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, just want to be really consistent. Again, apparently didn't hit many greens and fairways, so I would like to sort that out before tomorrow.

I know it's going to be quite chilly and maybe some rain. Just need to stay patient and hopefully continue this form.

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