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May 9, 2024

Grace Kim

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Grace Kim after her first round of the Cognizant Founders Cup. Just take us through the rounds. 4-under on the day. How did we feel?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, pretty good. I actually changed putters so it's working with me, which is nice. Holed a few good putts for both birdies and pars.

So, yeah, just a good day. Missed few fairways but I was still in play and good angles in, so, I think it was just a nice day.

Q. What is it about this course -- we've heard it's pretty challenging. What is it about this course that is tricky to navigate and what are you able to take advantage of?

GRACE KIM: I think straight off the bat it's quite a tight golf course, especially off the tee. So you just really got to sharpen your focus off the tee boxes and make sure that you're not going to run out of fairway. We've got a few dogleg holes as well, so just positioning yourself very well.

Yeah, I mean, the greens are always really nice out here so making sure you're starting your putts online which helps.

Q. T10 last year. What did you take from that round last year into this round?

GRACE KIM: I mean, I was still obviously fresh into my rookie year, so I think that really gave me a bit of confidence just to be able to back myself and tell myself that I belong out here.

You know, the depth of the field out here is now so much stronger and deeper, and it just shows that anyone can win out here. To be able to finish top 10 with most of the players, the top players playing, it was definitely a good confidence boost.

Q. This is an Olympic year. Very stacked Aussie team in the making. How much of a goal is that and just speak on it.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I mean, it is a huge year already this year. To make the Olympic team would top it probably. I mean, I'm going to try my best to get up there, but it doesn't -- it looks pretty tough.

I know how good all of us Aussies are, and, again, we are friends before competitors, but we all know we want to represent the green and gold. We'll see how it pans out. I know I'm going to give it my all.

Q. Almost halfway through your second season on the LPGA Tour, how do you feel like you've grown since your rookie season last year?

GRACE KIM: We've had a few ups and downs, probably a bit more often than I wanted to, and that's okay. I think that's just part of the journey, and every down you go you're always going to have to come back up.

I think that hope and bit of faith always is learning. I mean, I've had a pretty rocky start to this year as well but I've always learnt something out of each tournament.

That's the beauty of golf. You hit one good shot and it makes you come back. Yeah, always learning something which is nice.

Q. We just got done talking to Rennae Stubbs. Just explain that relationship and how awesome it is to have such a legend come and support you guys?

GRACE KIM: I mean, she's iconic. I don't think you can miss her by the voice as well. I met her during KPMG last year; came out to watch us in Baltusrol. Her support, you can feel it. She's all for women's sport and that's just a great thing to have. You know, someone with her accolades, it's just nice to see legends like her being able to come back to us and help us grow the game.

So, yeah, I think it's very, very cool.

Q. Last one. We saw on social the Special Olympics of New Jersey. You got to walk and talk and share three holes with them, you and Lexi Thompson. Talk about that and how special it was.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I was just reminiscing on that the other day. Once I got done with the ladies from Special Olympics New Jersey it was just very impressive to see. Obviously they would've gone through a lot of struggles themselves. To be able to come out and play golf, even with the capabilities they have, is very, very cool.

Kind of makes me think back on my golf.

But, no, honestly, it's been a very big inspiration just to see them play and, yeah, I was more admiring them than anything.

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