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May 9, 2024

Celine Borge

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Celine Borge after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Really solid round. Near the top of the leaderboard. It's still early, but how did your game feel out there today?

CELINE BORGE: Thank you. Yeah, I had a good finish. At the beginning I struggled. Missed some to the right. But I had a good finish and hit some good shots close to the pin, and I holed like two and three meter putts, so that was nice.

Q. When you have kind of those bogeys early on before you make the turn, what's going through your head to calm yourself down and get more red numbers on the card?

CELINE BORGE: I didn't think too much about it. I just tried to focus on the next shot I was going to have and hit it as good as possible.

Q. You were a rookie last year. Is that something you learned playing last year about staying present, in the moment?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, my coach has always told me that you should try to do that, so that's what I'm trying to do.

Q. Anything else you kind of learned from your rookie year last year that you're hoping to carry into this year, or a big lesson?

CELINE BORGE: Yeah, it's a long season, so it's like -- haven't had the best start of the year, but I know it's a lot of tournaments left.

Q. Did you kind of learn that last year --


Q. -- during your rookie season about staying patient?


Q. You played here last year. What did you learn about this course last year?

CELINE BORGE: The rough can be tricky. If you keep it in play, that's good. Just be patient. Yeah, you have some bad holes and some good ones.

Q. How do you prep for that rough in the beginning of the week?

CELINE BORGE: I just try to hit some out of it, just on purpose, and chip around the green a bit more.

Q. And anything you noticed out there on the course today that might have been different from your practice rounds?

CELINE BORGE: Not really.

Q. Not really?


Q. Any way you think this course suits your game?

CELINE BORGE: If I hit it straight, then it's good.

Q. Yeah.

CELINE BORGE: Yeah. And then I can like -- if my putting is good I can hole a lot of putts.

Q. And I don't think we talked to you this year yet, but what did you do during the off-season? Anything fun?

CELINE BORGE: I went home to Norway. We had a lot of snow so I did some skiing.

Q. How long you've been skiing?

CELINE BORGE: Oh, my whole life.

Q. That one of your hobbies?


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