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May 9, 2024

Peiyun Chien

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Money after her first round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. Talk about how you feel you played out there. Few birdies on the card.

PEIYUN CHIEN: I feel the green is softer than last year, so if any chance I can just go for it, like under 140 shot and just go for it, and I hit very well with my iron.

Just miss a little bit -- miss lot of little short putts. Still have a lot of chance to, you know, get lower score.

Q. And you mentioned about the irons. Is that something you've been working on a lot this season?

PEIYUN CHIEN: Yes, I just play more safe. Like I was hitting the draw shot so the ball spin control is not very well. So I hit a little fade now so my control is better.

Even I need to hit -- I need to take one more club, play like high cut, my control is more better.

Q. You mentioned playing safe. Do you notice that maybe Thursday and Friday versus Saturday and Sunday your strategy changes with that at all, or you're trying to stay safe?

PEIYUN CHIEN: It's still -- this course is still pretty tough, so we don't want to miss short side. Yeah.

Q. Few events into the season is far. How have you felt like your game has been progressing as we kicked off 2024?

PEIYUN CHIEN: You know, I feel I get lost a little bit with -- you know, took care about the ranking, world ranking, because I really want to play Olympic. Last week we have off week, have a little rest, so I did some meditation. I have the big chance and I don't have to put me -- put myself down.

So just need commit and trust every shot like one step.

Q. How much would that mean to you to play in the Olympics?

PEIYUN CHIEN: You know, I play golf like 14 years, when I turn pro, play golf my whole life. If I can play the Olympic, it's -- I would proud of myself, yeah, in my life.

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