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May 4, 2024

Aryna Sabalenka

Madrid, Spain

Press Conference

I. SWIATEK/A. Sabalenka

7-5, 4-6, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Aryna, bad luck but a great tournament. What do you take from this tournament?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, I'm super proud of myself, that I was able to take myself out of such a tough situation and be able to fight again and be able to show my best tennis.

I'm super proud of myself, proud of my team that no matter what, we stay together, we fight for the same dream. Even though it was really close, tight match, it went to Iga's side, anyway, I'm happy with the level I played, with the effort I put into this match and into this week.

Yeah, it's a lot of good things to take out of this tournament, and I think I'm leaving Madrid with positive thoughts. Yeah, can't wait to come back here next year.


Q. What made the difference today, in your opinion?

ARYNA SABALENKA: If I would know, probably would be here with the trophy (smiling).

No, I think, like, in these kind of matches, it's just like few points. Probably when I broke her in the third set, I should have been more focused on my serve, but at the same time, it's not like I double-faulted. It's just, like, she played great tennis and she broke me back.

I think it's not about that. I think it's just, you know, she just played a little bit better on those key moments. Yeah, that's it.

Q. When it's a close match like this and you had match points and she had match points before getting her match point in the end and all that, is it a bit easier to swallow a loss like this, or is it tougher?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I think it's tougher, especially remembering all your thoughts on all your match points and the way you played. It was just, like, too close. I think it's tougher.

But for me, you know, I'm going to suffer for a day, and tomorrow I'm leaving to Rome, so I'm going to forget it quickly. It's my birthday tomorrow. I hope I'm going to be in a good mood (smiling).

Anyway, I'm going to be in a good mood. I am 26 tomorrow. It sucks. (Laughter.)

But it's a tough one. You know, it's a tough one to accept. But at the same time, it's not like you lost the match easily and you didn't do your best. I think I gave my all today, and I just can be proud of myself, and hopefully, like we spoke on the court, next year it goes to my side (smiling).

Q. Despite the loss, you have spoken on the court on the difficult months you have been through. Would you consider that the Aryna of Australian Open is back?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, I think so. I think after the Australian Open I struggled for a couple of months. It's been intense.

It was tough to find myself back, but I'm super happy that here in Madrid I was able to bring it all together and to be able to, yeah, just to get back to my level. I think it's, you know, it only can get better from now on.

Yeah, I'm excited for the next couple of weeks, and yeah, hopefully I can do once again a little bit better than here.

Q. In the last press conference, you said that last year's final was maybe the best final that you had played and probably the best clay match that you have played. Where do you rank it to today? I know the loss hurts, but it seemed that you were high level today in terms of consistent depth, managing your emotions, serving well. Is this an even better form than last year's?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I would say it's 1 out of 10. No, I'm kidding (smiling).

Of course, definitely was such high-level tennis. I think it was, even though I lost this one, I think the level was much higher. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I think this year it was much higher level than last year. That's a good thing.

Q. You spent so much time on the court this whole tournament. I think five of your six matches were three-setters. What is it enjoyable for you to get back to this grind, or did you feel it in your body and you felt like it was too much tennis?

ARYNA SABALENKA: No, actually, I mean, it was really tough, it was really intense matches, but I actually really enjoyed it. I know that every time when I'm, like, kind of like facing my down and every time to bring myself back, I need to go through these tough matches, through these tough fights.

I was really enjoying, because I was feeling that I'm getting back in track. It was really enjoyable to play those tough three-sets matches.

I mean, I beat great players here in Madrid. They all have been in incredible shape and I was able to somehow manage to get the win.

Yeah, I think I really enjoyed these couple of weeks. Even though it was really tough matches, I really enjoyed it.

Q. You have played some roller coasters against Iga. Do you consider this rivalry and your matches as can be a classic in the future?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Wow, that's a big question. That's just the thing I really want to see. I really want to see many more finals against her. I want to see more wins than losses (smiling).

But I really hope that we'll be able to keep the level or increase the level every year and just to be one of those three, that's amazing, and I'm really happy to be one of these Big 3, you call us (smiling).

Yeah, that's a pleasure, you know. It's really motivating me a lot to keep working and to keep improving myself just so I stay there, and then kind of, like, you know, just be there and get as many wins against them as I can.

Q. In the third set, it seemed like you were the front runner. Seemed like you were the one that was imposing your game. What does she do that stops you from being able to kind of run away? It felt like you were just on the cusp of just breaking ahead of her, and she kind of didn't let you. I was wondering, from your perspective, what she did better.

ARYNA SABALENKA: Well, yeah, I felt like it's getting close to the point when you can, like, run away quite far, but I think -- was it 3-1 I was serving? I think I didn't serve my best, and she just stepped in and she made the incredible returns, put me under pressure a lot.

I think that was kind of like the switch point for her where she came back in the match, and we kind of got back on the high level.

Yeah, I had my opportunities. I wouldn't say that I kind of, like, missed them or lost them. It was just, like, incredible play from her, and I think that's the lesson I have to learn, how to not let them do this thing, you know, and yeah, that's it.

Q. Tennis obviously moves quickly. Rome is next week. At this moment now, when you think of Rome, what comes to mind? Are you excited to continue this form? Are you ready to sleep for a whole day and relax?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Well, I actually have really early flight tomorrow, so I'm probably not going to sleep tonight. But the first thing comes to my mind, I'm ready for pasta. (Laughter.) Pasta, pizza, and lots of gelato.

Yeah, it's really fast. You know, we don't have much time to relax, enjoy, or drink. (Laughter.) But, you know, like, I'm happy that I'm top-seeded there, and I'll have a bye. So I have a couple extra days to recover, to enjoy Rome, to enjoy this amazing pasta and pizza and everything what I'm not able to eat during the tournament.

But I'm excited. It's one of my favorite tournaments. It's such a beautiful facility and beautiful city. I love Rome, and I'm excited to get back there.

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