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May 5, 2024

Cam Smith

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Ripper GC

TV Quick Quotes

Q. Cam, looks like you guys have clinched your second win to the season, back-to-back wins. How proud are you of your boys going back-to-back?

CAM SMITH: Yeah, I mean, I'm very proud of them. I knew that we had it in us, though, and it was just a matter of time. There was probably a few lazy boys over Christmas, to be honest, and it took us a little bit to get going, but this is how we expect to play, and this is how we want to keep playing. We'll try and make it three in Houston.

Q. It seems like you guys are becoming the team to beat. What's been clicking collectively for all of you?

CAM SMITH: I think we just keep pushing each other. I think Herby has been a great addition, obviously. He's got that young blood in him, and he wants everyone to do well, and he keeps pushing the old boys. It's a really good mix of golfers. We've got a really good mix of personalities, and we just gel so well.

Q. Individually you're tied second right now. How confident are you going into the PGA?

CAM SMITH: Yeah, very confident. It was nice to get the hip work done on Friday afternoon. I was struggling on Friday, to be honest, and Nick, my physio, did a great job, and the last couple of days it's felt awesome. It felt similar to Adelaide, and couldn't have wanted a better finish heading into a major.

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