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May 2, 2024

Jordan Spieth

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Quick Quotes

Q. Jordan, got off to a good start today. Couple birdies to start. How would you sum up that round?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, started really nicely and then stalled. You know, I snuck one on 4 but I thought I would maybe grab one on 3 and then five in, to play 1-over five in is kind of a bummer. You're looking to play those holes a couple under.

Yeah, it's a very gettable golf course. Obviously very wet, but I just played the easy holes poorly; played the par-5s 1-over. That was kind of the story of the day.

The par-5s you kind of need to be two-and-a-half-under out here each day. I'll have to make that back up.

Q. Was there a particular shot or moment that was a highlight in the round for you?

JORDAN SPIETH: The first hole, second shot I hit a nice wedge that almost went in and tapped in.

So, yeah, I didn't feel like I did anything great. Only thing I didn't do really well was stroke it very well. Going to spend some time after the round putting.

Q. You feel like you're pretty well positioned even though you didn't go really low? You've had experience out here trying to fight back from lower. How do you feel like you're positioned?

JORDAN SPIETH: I'm not ideal. I wouldn't have signed for 3-under to start the day. In that sense, I knew I would get lapped and will continue to this afternoon.

So I imagine I'll be somewhere in 30th.

So I'm not out of it, but certainly you want to stay within two or three of the lead as you get through the first couple rounds in the.

Doesn't look like we're going to get a ton of wind or anything, so I am going to have to really make it up, because there will be a lot of guys shooting low scores.

Q. This is one of two PGA tournaments back home. What is it like seeing a gallery follow you around and support you?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it was great. I mean, there few people here early and start to build as we made the turn, and it was pretty cool. I am sure be pretty fun tomorrow being later in the day on a Friday.

Yeah, it was actually kind of quite calm this morning and then started to build up and it looked like the Byron Nelson. I appreciated having friends and family and other people from in town out there.

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