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May 3, 2024

Zach Johnson

McKinney, Texas, USA

TPC Craig Ranch

Quick Quotes

Q. Zach Johnson, second round 67. We'll talk about your round. Had I asked you back when you were playing mini tours that one day I would be asking you about playing your 500th career start, what would your reaction be?

ZACH JOHNSON: What tour would be my question. The Hooters Tour, Central Florida Tour, Moonlight Tour. I would've -- yeah, there is no chance I would've expected this or dreamt of it. Maybe dream, but I don't think my dreams got this far realistically.

But it's a great time to reflect. Awesome time to reflect on what's transpired. Certainly I go straight to the people and it's special. I mean, yeah, I still kind of shocked by it all. I think about some guys that made 500 cuts so that's even more ridiculous.

Q. When I talked to Ryan Palmer earlier this year about getting his 500th start, he said he rates that higher than some wins on the PGA TOUR. (Regarding longevity. )

ZACH JOHNSON: I don't know how you would find a ranking or hierarchy, but it is an accomplishment, that goes without saying.

Really, you think about it, RP and I came out the same year. Neither one of us have had -- were fortunate not to have any significant injuries. That's part of it.

Again, you go to the people, instructors, coaches, physios, individuals that frankly pushed you, encouraged you, but also made you really uncomfortable, because it's hard. It's just really hard to compete out here that long.

I don't think it's getting any easier. I don't know -- it's hard. It's like hard to measure your game in eras, decades for that matter.

At the same time, I'm still hungry. I think what I appreciate about this milestone is going back to your first question I never dreamt I would be here because I've always operated wherever my feet are. I learned in the past. I set some goals, set some objectives and things of that nature, but I'm so much engrained about where my feet are, and I think that's a perspective and -- well, it's worked for me.

Q. Last week I know it was a team event. Best finish of the year.


Q. 67 today. (Regarding last week.)

ZACH JOHNSON: I tell you, this is going to sound, well, cliche, but also my game has been good; I just haven't season results. Very frustrated with lack of finishes. I've worked hard. My sole focus mid-to late fall last year to now has just been just, for lack of a better term, working in the dirt, and I believe my best golf is still coming.

Whether it's this week or the next or the following, wherever it may be, I'm still so engrained in that process that I just have to remain patient. It's coming. The last two days were really good.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

ZACH JOHNSON: Got a great thing going. Golf bag is complete as it's been with PXG. Just encouraged about the direction and certainly about the work.

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