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May 4, 2024

Brooks Koepka

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Smash GC

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Brooks Koepka, the captain of Smash GC and our solo clubhouse leader at 12-under. You shot 7-under today. You have been par or better for the last 22 holes. Tell us a little bit about your round.

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I played really good. Ball-striking is finally starting to come around. The putter is heating up a little bit. I think that's just due to seeing some better golf shots. Just kind of finding my own little swagger. Pleased with the way I've played so far and just need to go another good round.

Q. You told us earlier in the week you couldn't find the hole. Did you do something this week or was it just a matter of momentum?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I think it just comes from ball-striking personally. That's kind of how it's always worked for me. If I feel good striking it, you have a few more opportunities, a few more -- I guess better looks. Instead of being 30 feet, it might be 15, which ups your chances tremendously. That plays a huge part, to be honest with you.

Q. We had massive rain delays today. Obviously it didn't seem to impact you too negatively. What did you do during that downtime?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I just chilled. We were all talking, watching some of the hockey, some of the basketball. That's what I would do anyway if I was having some chill time anyway. Just worked out, and it was kind of nice to watch some of that.

Q. Did you have to change your strategy knowing the course conditions would be different?

BROOKS KOEPKA: No, you just go about it and feel it out the first couple holes and go from there and see where things are at. By three or four holes you've got an idea where things are at.

Q. Do you feel something different inside because you have a very determined swagger?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, there's a lot of people that put time and effort into making sure that I play good. I think Augusta was a good wake-up call. I've had to really grind since then. It'll be nice to see -- hopefully. My son hasn't seen me finish better than about 45th. I was reminded of that on the way over here, to Adelaide. Hopefully get a little better result.

Q. Two times last year when you won you were leading by three going into the final round I think each time. Do you feel like with the three-shot lead -- it seems like it's pretty tough to catch you at this point.

BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, anything is possible. Gooch is trailing. He plays this place pretty well. I've just got to go out and do what I do, and from there, you can get beat. I have no problem with that if I get beat. But I just want to go out and play good golf, and that's all I want to do, especially leading into the PGA.

Q. I wanted to ask you about your second shot at 4, kind of splitting through the palm trees. Was there any hesitation at all, or is that just what the confidence level is right now?

BROOKS KOEPKA: It's a bigger gap than people probably think. I had to start it well right of the flag there at the tree or almost on the left side of the green and hit the tree, so I felt confident I could start it somewhere on the green. It's always a bigger gap than it looks.

Q. I don't know how the groupings are for tomorrow, but Matthew is tied for second. Is that any kind of interesting maybe side plot going into tomorrow obviously with the changes in the roster?

BROOKS KOEPKA: You weren't paying attention last week because I played with him.

Q. But not for the lead.

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, look, I have no problem with Matt. We just didn't gel, see eye to eye on how things were or how I thought they should be. I've always liked him as a person. I think he's a great kid. I've said that to a bunch of people even behind closed doors during everything last year. It was a good thing for him to leave the team and go to the RangeGoats, and it was a good thing for our team.

Look, he's fine. He seems to be playing better, in a better head space, better form, better everything. Look, I don't have any ill will towards him at all.

Q. How hard is it to flip the switch in your head? Obviously you wake up this morning, you're expecting to play at a certain point, then you've got the delay. Does that take some training, or do you just -- not much of an issue with it?

BROOKS KOEPKA: No, there's no issue with it. What did we have to wait, four hours, five hours? It is what it is. You find things to pass time. We just sit at the table watching a little bit of basketball, hockey, like I said. Time goes by pretty quick.

Q. Who are your teams?

BROOKS KOEPKA: For the hockey? My team is taking a nice little rest, the P's. I'll be more interested tomorrow to see how the Leafs do and the Bruins. So we'll find out who we're playing. And the Heat are already knocked out. Well, going to be.

Q. You said your son hasn't seen you finish better than 45th. Is he with you in Singapore and does he travel with you and is he a good luck charm this week?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Well, he hasn't been a good luck charm so far, I guess. Well, I think it's more me than it is him.

My boys reminded me of that pretty quickly on the way to Adelaide, knowing that he was coming here to Singapore. It's great to have him out. I enjoy it. I enjoy being able to get back to the room and see him for a little bit. Yesterday I only saw him for -- other than dinner, I only saw him for about 30 minutes. I just want to get back to the room and hang with him. Hopefully he's up and not napping.

Q. You're peaking at the right time with the PGA Championship coming up. Is there a confidence you'll bring into the tournament in defending your title?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I guess I've gone back-to-back at the PGA and the U.S. Open. Hopefully looking to do it again. I don't know if it's ever been done, but it would be kind of a cool thing. I've tried to three-peat. Not very good at it, out here and at the majors.

I think the embarrassment of Augusta really kicked things into overdrive for me and really having to put my nose down and grind it a little bit harder and having to look my team in the eye and apologize. I'm not looking to do that again.

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