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April 29, 2024

Rafael Nadal

Madrid, Spain

Press Conference

R. NADAL/P. Cachin

6-1, 6-7, 6-3

(Questions in Spanish.)

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. You trained with Jiri last week. Is your level different now than last week?

RAFAEL NADAL: I hope, because I lost (smiling). But I don't know. Let's see. I cannot predict what's going on tomorrow, what can happen tomorrow, what level I gonna show tomorrow.

I am more unpredictable than what I used to be. I used to be not very unpredictable player. I used to be more or less predictable player because I have been very regular in terms of emotionally talking and in terms of level talking of tennis. Building every day a little bit better but more or less stable, no?

There is difference. I am more unpredictable for the opponents but especially for myself (smiling).

Q. Can you tell us your emotions in coming through that match? Also, do you have any concerns about playing again tomorrow so soon in your comeback?

RAFAEL NADAL: That's tennis. I mean, I cannot have any concern in terms of playing tomorrow again. That's how the tournament works.

I need to find a way to be able to play days in a row and still be competitive. I don't know if I am in that moment yet. Let's see what can happen tomorrow. But I gonna try. I gonna do the things the right way to try to be ready for tomorrow.

So I cannot concern at all. Just happy to be on court again tomorrow hopefully. Hope to be ready.

Q. You played three hours today and you won. I wonder if somehow it's a good sign for weeks to come, or is it too soon to say that because you played three hours today you'll be ready to play this tournament, the next, and Roland Garros?

RAFAEL NADAL: It's positive, because as I said in Spanish, now I don't feel that something went wrong on my body, but I need to wait until tomorrow, being 100% honest.

On Brisbane, after the match with Jordan Thompson, I felt something there, but I hope on the press conference I had the faith that nothing wrong happened but then happened, you know. Then when I wake up tomorrow, the day after, my feelings were not the way that I really thought that could be. So I need to go all the process, the MRI, and it shows I have a small tear there.

I don't have that negative feeling now like I had in that moment, but nobody knows what can happen during the night and how I wake up tomorrow morning.

And that's the true, no? I'm not saying that because trying to protect myself. I am talking with my heart and saying exactly the feelings that I have right now. Let's wait for tomorrow. I hope nothing happens, and I hope to be on court tomorrow.

Q. How has your recovery process changed over the years and specifically this year dealing with these injuries? Do you do anything different? Ice baths? What will you do the rest of tonight?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. No, I mean, honestly, no, I never recovered too bad, you know, after tough matches. I think even with 36 years old or 35, after the long match, I never felt that the age was a problem for me in terms of recover my body, no?

I mean, I played long matches. In Australia 2022 I recovered well. I played long matches in Roland Garros in 2022, I recovered well. And in Wimbledon the same. Was not an issue of, you know, physical issue in terms of fitness, no? Have been about injuries. You know, that's the thing.

Today's completely different story. It's not only about injuries. First thing is injuries. Second thing is about, I mean, I never spent almost two years without playing tennis tournaments, you know, and that's the true.

I mean, after Wimbledon 2022, yeah, I played one match in Cincinnati, three matches there in the US Open, but then after that, I didn't play much more. You know, with all the issue with the baby, and then I had the abdominal tear, and then in Australia I played three matches only. I had a big issue.

So I don't know how many matches I have played in the last two years. Eight? That's it (smiling). So is difficult for me to predict what's going on and how I'm gonna recover, because you don't practice for that, because I was not able to practice for that, you know.

I had issues all the time, so I was not able to have three hours' practices or something like this to protect my body for these matches. So, I mean, it's unpredictable. That's it. And you need to accept the unpredictable things today. I need to accept that.

Last week we didn't accept that, because I was not ready to fight for the set with Alex, and I think was the right decision because today I'm able to be here. If I probably fighted the match, I would not be here.

But today of course we need to start trying what's going on, and that's what I'm doing. Trying without doing crazy things but trying, and tomorrow let's see (smiling).

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