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April 28, 2024

Denny Hamlin

Dover, Delaware

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. End of the race, you're having to deal with lap traffic, a hard-charging Kyle Larson behind you. How did you manage all that?

DENNY HAMLIN: Just a great team. This whole Mavis Tires and Brakes team did a great job. All the guys on the wall right here, they're the ones that make it happen. Thank you to them. Chris Gabehart, the whole team for just giving me great cars. Joe Gibbs Racing, Toyota, Shady Rays, Coca-Cola. Man, just a great partnership with all.

Man, I love winning.

Q. You managed to win the race off of pit road off of stage two. Was that the key moment?

DENNY HAMLIN: I think the key moment really was Kyle did a great job executing on that green flag pit stop. Then we were able to get the lead on the restart, which allowed us with a caution to control the restart. That was the key moment for us.

Man, certainly feels good winning here at Dover.

Q. You tied Lee Petty for 12th most on the all-time list. What's does that mean to you?

DENNY HAMLIN: It's fantastic. I couldn't hold Lee Petty's helmet. I've been blessed with a great race team. This whole FedEx team, Mavis team, Sport Clips, everyone that supports this 11 car, they're the ones that make it happen. I'm the lucky one that gets to drive it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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