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April 28, 2024

Kyle Busch

Dover, Delaware

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Kyle Busch, you finish fourth. A lot in the middle that took place. Nonetheless a good day for the 8 car.

KYLE BUSCH: Good day for the 8 car. Good solid points day, I guess. That is a normal day. I would love to have a lot more normal days. We just can't seem to get any.

Proud of everybody on this FICO Chevrolet. I feel like if we came off of pit road there at the end with the clean racetrack, the way that it was, being able to just charge forward, try to catch these leaders, that was probably going to be our best bet to run them down and race with them. Definitely had a third-place car today. Having to come from eighth to fourth on the final run was tough. That's all we had.

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