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April 28, 2024

Paul Barjon

Sam Stevens

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Quick Quotes

Q. Guys, 8-under 64 in foursomes. How good was that for you guys today?

SAM STEVENS: Yeah, we played great. We both hit the ball pretty well, kept it in front of us, which is what you have to do in this format. We made a couple nice putts early. Paul made about a 10-footer for par on No. 3, and that was honestly I thought a huge moment in the round. We just kind of, like I said, hit good shots and made a couple putts here and there, and we just sprinkled in the birdies, which was great.

We had a lot of fun, and yeah, we just kind of got rolling, kept rolling.

Q. What other major moments coming down the stretch kind of stood out to you?

PAUL BARJON: Yeah, I feel like we've been talking about 13 the whole week, that we're going to go for the green and all. It didn't really work out, and we had kind of a scrappy little par there, but I felt like that kept us going because obviously a bogey is not super fun, especially on one of the shortest holes on the course.

I felt like maybe it was a bit of a bad decision there, but we got away with it, and then we had a few coming down the stretch.

We just kept it in play for most of the round, which was nice.

Q. You mentioned the mindset going into today. You had 5-under as a number. What was the thought process coming out on the tee today knowing that you can free-wheel it and try to post a low one?

PAUL BARJON: Yeah, I feel like on Friday we played pretty good, but probably close to the same as today, it just didn't work out. We had a bad hole to finish, just a couple more mistakes and maybe didn't putt quite as well. But we knew it was possible to make a few birdies at least. That was kind of our goal.

SAM STEVENS: Yeah, I think kind of getting out of the gates in this format is so important because it is difficult, but it's not impossible. If you can kind of play those first three, four, five holes really well, which we did, you kind of feel like, okay, here we go. So we got off to a good start, made a decent little par on 1 and then birdie on 2 and you kind of settle in a little bit, which I thought was big for us.

Q. I know you're going to hang around and see how it shakes out, but regardless of how this weekends up for you guys, what does this do for you separately going on the rest of the season, being able to come together and have a good confident week like this?

PAUL BARJON: Yeah, I think we're going to score a lot of points regardless of how we finish. I think for both of us, it's great, and yeah, carry some momentum with a good last round for Dallas next week. We're both going to play, I think, regardless of the outcome.

It'll be good momentum. I haven't really played too well this season, so I think it'll be good for me.

SAM STEVENS: Yeah, it's always good to have a good event. We weren't sure that we were going to play together. We've been friends for a few years now, and it kind of worked out well about a month ago that we were going to be able to play together, and yeah, we were just super comfortable all week, and it's fun to play well with a friend. It's going to be interesting to see how these last few hours go.

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