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April 28, 2024

Garrett Higgo

Ryan Fox

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under today, great round. Just talk to me about what went well out there.

GARRETT HIGGO: Yeah, we both putted well. Foxy pretty much made everything, and I made a nice bomb. Well, he also made a bomb.

It's such a tough format, and I feel like today we finally got a nice rhythm going.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, G is right. It's such a hard format to get a rhythm on. You kind of feel like you don't hit a full shot for a while and then you've got to go out and hit a really hard shot in the wind. I think we both struggled with that a little bit on Friday and figured it out today, and it was nice to see a few putts go in. We both holed a really long one, which is always nice in this format. It was nice to go forward on a Sunday. It's probably going to be a couple short, but yeah, we would have definitely taken 7-under to start the day.

Q. You guys had a great start with two birdies. How great was it to get off to that start this morning?

GARRETT HIGGO: Yeah, because we started off pretty bad on Friday, so it felt like a completely different start versus then. Anytime you can get off to a good start, it helps. We weren't complaining about a birdie-birdie start.

RYAN FOX: I don't need to add to that. It was great, compared to being 2-over through 3 instead of 2-under through 3 today, it was really nice.

GARRETT HIGGO: Especially par-5s are usually our thing, so bogeying a par-5 on Friday was not a good feeling.

RYAN FOX: No, that was my fault.

Q. Recap on what was most memorable out there.

GARRETT HIGGO: Yeah, I think just between both of us and our caddies, we had such a good time. We have a lot in common, so whether we were going to play good or not, we were going to have a good time regardless.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, I've got a South African caddie and Garrett has got a New Zealand caddie, so there's a little bit of banter going back and forth. There was a scoreboard being held for a while of who got someone the best and a little bit of chirping. We had a lot of fun, a few rugby chirps going on, as well, which the New Zealanders were on the receiving end of.

But it's cool to play something like this. We get a lot of 72-hole individual stroke play events, and it's nice to play with someone that adds to it -- you feel under more pressure. You don't want to let your teammate down. It was nice that we could actually both play well, but it was just nice to have someone to kind of root for, as well, on the golf course. We had a lot of fun, and hopefully we can do it again next year.

GARRETT HIGGO: Yeah, you should see us here next year if nothing changes.

Q. You guys have a couple more groups out there, but no matter what happens this afternoon, what does this do for you individually going forward?

GARRETT HIGGO: Yeah, I think obviously Foxy has been playing well for a while now. I think this helps me for sure. I've been struggling with my wrist and not playing great, so this is certainly a step in the right direction.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, same. I played well the last couple of years, but it's been a bit of a struggle the start of this year. I felt like I turned a corner at the Masters. I started to hit some good shots, and that carried over into this week, and I felt like I hit some really good shots coming down the stretch today when I maybe not have a chance to win but felt like we had a chance for a really good finish and hit some good shots, and that just helps build the confidence, and hopefully we can both take it into next week.

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