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April 28, 2024

Zac Blair

Patrick Fishburn

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Quick Quotes

Q. I know a disappointing finish. Zac, if you can just take us through those last couple holes.

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, I didn't hit a very good shot on 17, and then we kind of took a few to get in from there. We hit some good shots on 18. I just kind of let us down with the putter for sure. Hit one in the water on 9, which kind of killed us, and then put us in a couple of bad spots.

It was a good week.

Q. Patrick, talk about the finish and then the round as a whole today.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, I thought we played really solid. We just had a couple swings and a couple of -- I kind of made a bad decision on 17. I probably should have bounced it in the bank. We hung in there pretty good. The conditions were hard, and it's a tough format. Sometimes you're not hitting -- it takes a long time before you hit in between shots.

It's a tricky format, but we hit a lot of great shots. We played really well. It was a good solid week. Definitely you can always look back and think you left a few out there, but we did the best we could on every shot, and that's all you can expect.

Q. Zac, you mentioned a great week. Just recap what this meant to both of you with the friendship that you guys have and to play well this week up until the end.

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, I mean, I think either one of us would have signed up for a fourth place at the start of the week. I had a baby on Monday, didn't get down here until Wednesday, no practice rounds. It was kind of let's go do our best, and Fish mentioned it, we both tried. It's not like we were trying to do anything where we screwed up. That's just part of golf.

I think you obviously learn from it, but we had a lot of fun.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, for sure. This is probably some of the most fun I've had in a tournament in a long time for sure. I hadn't been having a very good season obviously to this point, so the timing to come play here with Zac was perfect for me. We kept it loose all week, and I think it helped both of our games. I wish we had another event to play as a team here. Maybe we can find a Pocodillo four-ball and get an exemption there with the finish here. No, we had a blast, and I think it'll only help us going forward in our seasons.

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