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April 28, 2024

Rory McIlroy

Shane Lowry

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

TV Quick Quotes

Q. First time in New Orleans, Rory McIlroy, first win in New Orleans. It's a milestone for you, No. 25. Shane, this is your first win on the PGA TOUR since winning the Open Championship. What does it feel like to get this one done together?

RORY McILROY: Absolutely amazing. We've had an awesome week here in New Orleans. The crowds all week have been absolutely amazing. To get the support that we've had out there and to have so much fun while doing it, it's been an awesome week, and obviously I feel like it's just a bonus to win at the end. But couldn't be better to have this man alongside me to get a PGA TOUR win together.

Q. How satisfying is this one for you?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it's great. Saying it was much needed, but we felt like coming into the week that we both could do with a big jump in the FedExCup, and we both said at the start of the week, let's go and get 400 points each. That's what we've done, and I nearly feel a little bit bad taking them because Rory carried me a lot of the way. But yeah, they're mine, and they're not going away.

Q. You came up big when you guys needed it most, that birdie on 18 in regulation. You had a ton of time to think about it. Talk me through how you were able to stay in the mental space you needed to be in to make that one drop?

SHANE LOWRY: I don't know. It was a short putt but I've been struggling recently on the greens and I missed one today, as well. Yeah, just had to dig a little bit deeper. Yeah, it was nice to win. Look, it's disappointing for the lads to finish the way they did, but we've had just the best week. Anytime this man wants to partner with me, I'll be happy to do so.

Q. These crowds have shown up for you guys since day one. You got a standing ovation leaving the restaurant last night. We know New Orleans loves you two. How much are you loving New Orleans and these fans?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, it's been an amazing week. I've never been here before. Shane has been here a handful of times, and we've gone out for some really nice dinners, and people could not have been more hospitable or nicer to us during the week.

I'd say we're going to come back and defend next year; what do you think?

SHANE LOWRY: I hope so. I'll be here.

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