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April 27, 2024

Zac Blair

Patrick Fishburn

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice playing today, a 60. Zac, if we can get some comments on a tremendous round.

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, just kind of rode Fish all day. He played good. Started off super hot. Birdieing on 1, eagle 2, birdie 4, birdie 5. I mean, it was pretty textbook out there for him.

Q. Patrick, talk a little bit about what a great day you had on the course.

PATRICK FISHBURN: Well, it's pretty easy to hit shots when Zac is always in the fairway, always on the green. He's always available. That's kind of been our key word for the week. It's pretty easy for me to swing free knowing that Zac is always going to be there. He had some awesome birdies when we needed them, and we ham-and-egged it really good today.

Q. I know you wanted that birdie there on the last to tie the record here. A little bit of disappointment with that?

ZAC BLAIR: I don't think so. I think we would have signed up for a 60 at the start of the day. We hit some good shots, hit some good putts, and we had a good day.

Q. Talk a little bit about the partnership. You guys date back to junior high. Talk a little bit about how the team came about this week.

ZAC BLAIR: Like you said, been playing golf since we were little kids in Ogden, Utah. I had to beg him to be my partner at Palm Springs. I think it took like four or five weeks for me to get the answer. But glad I got it done.

PATRICK FISHBURN: No, no, that's not true. I was the kid on the playground that needed a partner, needed a friend, and Zac was kind enough to say, why don't you come along with me, Pat. No, we go back a long ways, and we spent a lot of time together, and it's cool to be playing well on the PGA TOUR on this stage. This is pretty special.

Q. Zac, I know not quite the results you've wanted of late. How is this format helping you and how is Pat helping as well with that?

ZAC BLAIR: Anytime you get someone that makes six or seven or eight birdies and an eagle, it obviously helps. I think it's kind of one of those weeks where you're maybe able to stay a little bit looser, especially having a friend as your partner. I think that's kind of really what we've tried to do is just not take it too seriously. We know tomorrow will be a big day, but it's a really cool opportunity for both of us.

Q. Leader in the clubhouse right now. I know that could change later this afternoon, but talk about as we go to the tougher format tomorrow what your mindset and strategy will be.

ZAC BLAIR: We played solid yesterday, so just try and do the same thing. Hitting good shots kind of travels. Doesn't really matter what format you're in. Just go and try and do that and have fun.

Q. Patrick, tomorrow?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, yeah, we'll just kind of continue how we're doing. No reason to change anything. We'll just keep having fun and keeping it loose and see what we can do.

Q. Talk a little bit about the wind conditions today, and did they change throughout the day or were they pretty steady throughout?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Seemed like it was about the same direction, but definitely gustier today than the past two days. I don't know what it was, but it seemed like it was a two-club wind, two-, three-club wind at times. It played really tricky for sure.

Q. Coming into this tournament, if you happen to win there are a lot of perks, entrance into the Signature Events, exemptions. How much would that mean to you guys to be able to win?

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, it's kind of why you're out here playing is to have opportunities like this. I've been out here a handful of years now, so I know that they don't come that often, and so we'll do our best to go take advantage of it.

Q. How much have you guys changed over the years just from when you first met as kids to what you are now?

PATRICK FISHBURN: That's a great question.

Q. Is Zac the same as you remember?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, Zac is the same.

ZAC BLAIR: Fish just keeps hitting it further and further. He used to hit it 30 or 40 --

PATRICK FISHBURN: Zac still hasn't missed a fairway since he was a kid. He hasn't broke a tee, hasn't missed a fairway. He's gotten up-and-down every single time. Yeah, things haven't changed.

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