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April 27, 2024

Luke List

Henrik Norlander

Avondale, Louisiana, USA

TPC Louisiana

Quick Quotes

Q. 10-under par 62 today. Just talk to me about what went well out there.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, we started good. Luke eagled 2 and then I made a really long putt on 4. Luke made a great putt on 5. We just got in a really good rhythm early. I felt like we were both hitting fairways. Not necessarily hitting it really close, but it felt like early we had two chances on every hole. I think that's key to getting a good rhythm in this format because if your partner is in a bush or something, it's almost harder than playing your own ball.

Q. Luke, give me a recap on those two eagles you had out there today.

LUKE LIST: Yeah, Henrik was in good shape on 2, as well, with a great birdie, so it kind of freed me up and I had a great read there, poured it in, and Henrik, like I said, the swing of the day was on 9. That kept our momentum going to make par there on a tough hole, and then he made a great birdie on 10, and that fed into 11. Fortunately I had a good look which probably freed him up a little bit too there, and that's the key is the ability to put yourself in a position where your partner can be freed up, and I think we did a really good job of that today.

Q. With the wind conditions today, did you guys strategize any differently?

HENRIK NORLANDER: I don't know, to me when it's windy like this, I'm almost a little freaked out on the range. It feels like the range is always the windiest spot on the golf course. Like I said, I think we got in a good rhythm. The wind didn't really bother me today at all. It's been so consistent all week. It's been the same direction, so you sort of know when you need to aim a little bit more right, a little bit more left. We were playing well. It didn't bother me.

Q. Going back into foursomes tomorrow one back, what's the strategy?

LUKE LIST: Have fun.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, have fun and just try to play solid golf. It's cliche, but it's such a tough format. It's not easy to get in a rhythm. It's really important to just have fun in this format out here.

Q. You guys played together here last year. Talk to me about how this team came about.

LUKE LIST: Yeah, we live in Augusta, both of us, and we play a lot of golf at home. We had a blast last year playing for our first time, and that was easy to continue that again this year. Like I said earlier, it's just fun to play an event where it's not normal and we get to play a little bit of four-ball and foursomes, and it's just a fun city, too. We've got some friends here from Augusta. Like I said, we enjoy each other's company on the golf course and off, so it's just been easy to enjoy our time out there.

Q. Being in New Orleans, is there anything you guys have been getting up to here?

LUKE LIST: Lots of eating for me.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Me too. I like to eat.

Q. Luke, how does it make you feel that your partner is freaking out on the range with the wind?

HENRIK NORLANDER: I didn't tell him that. I'm just saying, to me the range always feels like the windiest part.

LUKE LIST: It's unsettling warming up in the 20-mile-an-hour wind on the range, in off the left. He's a good ball striker, and I expect to continue that tomorrow. We'll take whatever wind comes at us.

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