April 26, 2024
Avondale, Louisiana, USA
TPC Louisiana
Press Conference
Q. Very solid round today. Give me a recap of what went well.
CALLUM TARREN: Yeah, I think we just built off yesterday's solid round. We dove-tailed well yesterday, but today obviously different format. You just have to stay in the hole, and I think we did a great job of that.
We both had approach shots where the right club would have potentially brought in a big number, so hitting to the fat part of the green and giving ourselves 30 feet isn't bad sometimes. I think we both did that on numerous occasions.
So, yeah, just managed our games really well.
Q. Would you say the morning tee time gave you a bit of an advantage? Did you feel the wind coming in this afternoon?
DAVID SKINNS: Yeah, we'll see. It doesn't look like -- it picked up around 8:00 or 9:00 for us, and it doesn't seem like it's whipping quite like they forecast, but it could pick up, and it's supposed to blow this weekend as well. It will make it interesting.
Q. Going back to best ball tomorrow, what's the strategy?
CALLUM TARREN: Full send. Full send.
DAVID SKINNS: Get after it.
CALLUM TARREN: Just stay aggressive. I think in four-ball, like he said, we're hitting it great off the tee and just got to give ourselves chances. For the most part we've done that, but, yeah, just stay aggressive because someone is going to shoot 10, 11, 12 under tomorrow, so we've got to just keep our foot to the floor and keep making birdies.
Q. In this format how much strategy do you talk during the course of the round?
DAVID SKINNS: We talk a lot, but we see the same thing, so it's not like we have to talk through it for a long time. Probably whatever I'm seeing, he's probably already seen it. Yeah, that's why we mesh together fairly well.
We did all right last time we were here, and we just kind of see the same things. On those couple of occasions where we could have gotten more aggressive to a back pin or could have gotten closer to a front pin, we're both kind of seeing the same thing in this format. There's sometimes not much you can do. Just have to hit it to the sensible part, and we both see the same thing, and that helps.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
