April 25, 2024
Los Angeles, California, USA
Quick Quotes
Q. All right, here with Maja Stark currently in second place on our leaderboard at the JM Eagle LA Championship. Another bogey-free round for you today. You have been bogey-free for a couple rounds now. How does that feel?
MAJA STARK: It feels good. Don't jinx it now.
Yeah, obviously that's what we want. I feel like I've just been more patient. Haven't made any dumb mistakes. Just taking my medicine where I needed to.
Obviously I've been close to bogeys, but my putting has just been way better this past week, yeah.
Q. Love that. Lots of birdies on the scorecard for you today. What were some of the best moments out there for you?
MAJA STARK: I don't know. I don't really reflect on that that much. Made a birdie on 6, long par-4, so that was -- into the wind -- so that was pretty nice. That felt like a bonus one. Really didn't expect it. You just wanted to be on the right tier of that green.
Yeah, that was probably the highlight if I have to think to name somewhere.
Q. Compare this week to last week. Whole different course. What did your preparation look like that was maybe different from last week? Like just how are the challenges out here different?
MAJA STARK: I was so tired when I got here. I barely been practicing. Just did a little bit of what I needed to do.
I feel like it's kind of similar anyway because there are just some pins that you can't go for just like at Chevron. So you just have to be patient with it and not get ahead of yourself and just play to the big spaces on the greens and then hope that your putting will not save you, but elevate you.
Because, yeah, just it's kind of tough, especially if you end up in the wrong places.
Q. Did you feel any sort of momentum from last week that you think is pushing you along? How is that second-place finish helping you in terms of confidence?
MAJA STARK: Oh, so much more confident in my game. I still like chickened out on a couple shots today which is just like me. I feel like I've been better at not chickening out as much.
Then just knowing I can be patient and not have to chase birdies to actually make them, because I think when I'm chasing birdies, that's when I make my mistakes.
Didn't feel like I did that today. I was just kind of bobbing along, and then the putts start falling in.
Q. Last question: A T2 and T3 result so far this year. How close do you feel to getting a win across the line?
MAJA STARK: Good question. I don't really reflect on it. You know, Nelly is always in front, so I don't know. Maybe this week she won't be, or no one will be.
I don't know. I feel like I'm just playing solid. There is still a lot of things I think I could have done differently these two tournaments where it's been going really well.
So, yeah, I don't know. It just so depends on what everyone else is doing. If someone is having the week of their life, that's good for them. I'm just trying to learn from every round I have.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
