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April 25, 2024

Nataliya Guseva

Los Angeles, California, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nataliya Guseva after her first round at the JM Eagle LA Championship.

You got off to a really good start today. Can you just tell me what you did this morning to just come out with three birdies?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, I honestly just stay in the moment. I had definitely a big gap between the tournaments so I kind of rested at home and really practiced a lot, worked on my game.

I came out here and didn't really have any type of expectations today. Started out pretty good. Made some putts, and just easy were birdies coming in.

I was just really trying to be in the moment and take it shot by shot, not like rushing anywhere and looking not like at the leaderboard.

Yeah, here I am, so just really happy and enjoying my walk here in California. Seeing the sign of Hollywood, it's pretty cool.

Q. What has your preparation looked like the past couple days here at Wilshire?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I was just working a lot on my putting. I think it's one of the best parts of the game that you kind of really have to work on.

Just play pro-am, practice round, so really kind of try to stay in the moment and just paying attention to myself, not to anyone else.

Yeah, just kind of, yeah, being in the moment. So, yeah.

Q. What were you seeing out on this course today that maybe was the challenge for you or something that you thought really suited your game?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I would say the course suits my game pretty well. It's a par 71 so there are some hard holes out there, especially like 17. You have to hit a good drive and good iron.

But the mid-irons were really, really good today, so that's what kind of helped me to play 5-under today.

So, yeah.

Q. I know this was a long time ago and early in the morning, but can you take me through holes maybe 1, 2, 3, just what happened on each of your birdies?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, sure. So basically on first hole I hit it really long drive. Had like about 80 yards in. Hit it to about three feet.

The next hole, hit it onto the -- two shots into the green and that kind of helped me to make a birdie. Just two-putted.

And the next hole, just also hit it quite close. Around 7 felt -- feet. So wedges and irons were like really going pretty good today. I just really tried to stay in the moment and not rushing my putting there.

So that's kind of what is, yeah, important.

Q. Just last question: What's the plan for carrying this momentum into the next day?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I mean, I think I feel pretty good. It's always been my dream playing on LPGA, so I try not to be nervous, but for sure there could be some nerves.

So I just take this pressure as a privilege, and being out here with the best players in the world is definitely a great thing to be at.

So I'm just really happy. Yeah.

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