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April 19, 2024

Jin Hee Im

The Woodlands, Texas, USA

The Club at Carlton Woods

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jin Hee Im after her second round at The Chevron Championship. First major as an LPGA Tour member and you're in the lead right now. How does that feel?

JIN HEE IM: It's like first time leading the tournament in LPGA, so like I don't have any pressure. I enjoyed rest of round.

Q. You went bogey-free today.


Q. How hard is it to go bogey-free on this course?

JIN HEE IM: Pretty hard to play bogey-free every course, but especially on this course. Bogey-free today feels like four rounds bogey-free.

Q. What is it about this course that's so difficult and that you managed to do well today?

JIN HEE IM: In the practice round course was more harder than now, today, so I just planned to play safe.

Q. Great round.

JIN HEE IM: Thank you.

Q. You had a wonderful year on the KLPGA last year. I believe you won four times.


Q. What was going so well for you last year in Korea?

JIN HEE IM: Everything was good last year, and I know the course is pretty well. I played there five years.

THE INTERPRETER: One more thing was I'm her coach and I help her. She said she was very happy for last year.

Q. Why was now the right time or I guess last year to go to Q-School to join the LPGA?

JIN HEE IM: In KLPGA they retire a little bit earlier than -- the players, they retire a little bit earlier than the LPGA, so I tried to play more in here. So I want the challenge more big tour. That's why I tried LPGA.

Q. When do players typically retire? At what age on the KLPGA?

THE INTERPRETER: Like 30. 30, 31.

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