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April 11, 2024

Jasper Stubbs

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes


Q. Give us an idea of how you were feeling.

JASPER STUBBS: I was pretty nervous walking on to the tee of No. 1. But yeah, it wasn't as bad as I was kind of expecting. I felt pretty ready to play a good round of golf. I got off to a pretty decent start after that.

Q. Is it difficult leaving here one evening thinking you've got one tee time and then it being pushed back two hours?

JASPER STUBBS: Yeah, it was a bit difficult. Obviously they notified us last night that we might get an alert saying we've been delayed, so it was sort of wake up at 5:00 a.m., check the alert, so then go back to bed for a little bit and get an extra hour of sleep, and then that happened again, so it was a little annoying. But, yeah, I think my team and I did a good job of managing it.

Q. How did the wind make things challenging?

JASPER STUBBS: Yeah, it made it really tricky. It meant that you were just in between a lot of clubs. Obviously distance control into these greens is pretty paramount around here and it just made it a little bit trickier, and I think I struggled a little bit with that towards the end.

Q. One of the lessons here is no matter how much you practice, the conditions are going to change and be completely different?

JASPER STUBBS: Absolutely, yeah, I think every day we've had a different wind slightly and different conditions, so it's something you've got to adjust to on the day as best you can.

Q. Are there things you learned in the practice rounds, things you can at least apply to tomorrow?

JASPER STUBBS: Yeah, that's the plan, learn something from today and try and come out tomorrow, and I'll do my best to still make the cut, but yeah, we'll just try and have as low a round as we can tomorrow.

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