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August 24, 2002

Daniela Hantuchova


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Some anxious moments out there towards the end a little bit.

ARANTXA SANCHEZ-VICARIO: Yeah, I mean, it was I think a very close doubles match and it was unbelievable point for both sides. I think we start very well and then we maybe lost a little bit of concentration, they come back playing very good and we broke back at the important moment and unfortunately, I lost my serve. I make two doubles faults probably because I wanted to go for too much and it went into the net. I think we both thought that even we were very close, we played important points well at the end. It was a good win.

Q. Are you guys tired?

DANIELA HANTUCHOVA: I have spent last two nights being here 'til 12 o'clock, so of course I am feeling a bit tired but after winning a tournament, you never think about it, and I think, you know, a great thing to be in a tournament before the US Open, and I think we both are feeling really great coming into the Open next week.

Q. Having a semifinal earlier in the day and then going into a final later on, is that an advantage in terms of your preparation? Obviously you are little more tired than the other team, but --

ARANTXA SANCHEZ-VICARIO: Those things sometimes happens and I think I mean, the first match it didn't go that long so we didn't get too tired but we did play good; that gives us confidence because that team had the No. 2 team in the world. To beat them you have to play well. So I think it gives us confidence going into the final. It was going to be pretty similar match as we play in the semifinals. So I just think we were ready and we have some time to relax and to eat something before the match. We come back with a lot of energy.

Q. You have won so many doubles titles and singles titles. How do you get motivated to come out here and play all these matches in a short period of time and kind of a smaller tournament?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ-VICARIO: Well, I think obviously I enjoy playing. Tennis is my passion, and now you know, I look at different way I can really enjoy myself more because I have no pressure. I have done everything in my whole career and the youngest are the one who take control now. And as a veteran, as they call me on the Tour, I still have a lot of energy and my game has improved, so to play doubles and keep winning titles in singles and doubles, that's the most difficult after so many years, but I still, I think, I am fit, and as long as I still this way I keep playing. When I know I am not going to be 100% to play at this level is when I will stop. But I think I have it inside. I really enjoy it. You can tell on the court. Makes it easier to play. Makes it easier when you enjoy it.

Q. Do you learn a lot from her playing with her?

DANIELA HANTUCHOVA: Definitely. For me it is a big honor to be on the same side of the court as Arantxa. There are just so many things I can learn from her, and I really appreciate it, all the experience that she has got that she's giving it to me, and there are still many things that I have to improve even in the doubles, so I am just trying to listen as much as I can and do my best with her.

Q. Losing the second set 6-1 after kind of a long day of tennis, did that deflate your energy a little bit or did you just want to come back out and win it?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ-VICARIO: I think we tried to forget about it because it went too fast, the second set, and we just tried to concentrate from the beginning in the third set. Sometimes in doubles it happens, you know, that it's much quicker points than the singles. But I think we try not to get upset because we lost the way we lost the second set and try to the beginning on the third set. So it makes a big difference.

Q. What about the line calls for the whole match? There were a lot of close calls.

ARANTXA SANCHEZ-VICARIO: We forgive them (laughs) (laughter) Right, Tina, we forgive them, we forgive them. (Tina, Arantxa's dog, licking her face.)

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