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April 10, 2024

Neal Shipley

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Your first Masters, first par-3. Talk about the experience.

NEAL SHIPLEY: It's so cool. It's great to have so many fans here, par-3 contest in such a relaxed environment.

Being out there with Mr. Mize is just wonderful. It was just a great day. Definitely a memory I'll always remember.

Q. Did you get a chance to talk to him about the Masters and what to expect the rest of the week?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Yeah, I got to talk to him a few weeks ago actually about it over the phone, and he had a lot of the great things to say and it's great to finally get to meet him in person and just get to hang out.

He hit a couple really good shots there, so that was pretty cool to see. He's got some soft hands still. Really good bunker shot in there. Yeah, pretty fun.

Q. Your best shot today?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Oh, gosh. Probably the one on I think like 4 or 5. I started out pretty hot, birdied my second, third, and fourth hole, which is fun. Let my brother get in there and he had a few three-putts. Other than that, it was great.

Q. Is he your younger brother?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Yeah, my younger brother. It's great to have him on the bag.

Q. What's his name?


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