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April 10, 2024

Ryan Fox

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Second Masters, coming back here it's kind of a different feeling, sure. So, what do you see, what is different for you?

RYAN FOX: I mean, apart from the obvious couple little changes on the golf course it's nice to come back and maybe not be so overawed by the whole experience, to come and know where everything is and know how kind of it works. I think last year it just felt like the week went so quick, it's like a whirlwind. All of a sudden it's over. I was sick as well on weekend which probably didn't help things in that regard. This year I feel like I can, like for wont of a better term, take some time to smell the roses, actually go out and enjoy it and have a bit of fun and enjoy being able to use this facility and have lunch with the family and various things in here, which I felt all a bit rushed last year, so this year's been good to be able to enjoy some of the other things that Augusta offers us as players.

Q. So golf-wise, too, I mean, besides everything that happened, you made the cut, you were able to play in very difficult conditions. It's kind of like your aspirations for this week?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, probably coming this week with a fairly different form than I had last year. I played really well in the lead up, apart from Valero, played solid at Bay Hill, PLAYERS and a couple other events. Then played really nicely here, and kind of scrapped it away on the weekend. I was pretty happy with the week overall and I feel like the game's certainly has -- the form hasn't been near this year, but it's close, and I think having a little bit of extra knowledge of the golf course is going to help a lot. But there's kind of no expectations, just go in and just try to have some fun. I've been struggling with that a little bit this year. It feels like it's been really hard, really tough and what better place to go out and have some fun than out here and hopefully that translates into a good result.

Q. Being the only Kiwi in the majors, is that an extra pressure?

RYAN FOX: Yes and no. It's cool, we've had -- I think Dan Hillier has played a couple. They're the event you want to play. I know you've seen quite a few is New Zealanders out here already supporting, which is really nice. Yeah, look, I'm, it's an honor to be able to do it and hopefully we get a few more in the majors in the years to come, but, yeah, we've always seemed to have one or two guys there or thereabouts. Cam for a lot of years and now myself and before that Frank Nobilo and other guys. So, yeah, it's pretty cool that it's such a small country and we can at least have a presence in these events and I'm pretty happy it's me at the moment.

Q. And Lydia, too?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, Lydia's been a presence in woman's golf for, what, the last decade or more now and what she's done has been absolutely incredible. I know she's got a huge following at home and it's nice to just sort of grab on to her coat tails a little bit and add a little bit more on the men's side. But, yeah, what she's done for golf in New Zealand is just amazing, and hopefully she can get that one extra point she needs to lock up the LPGA Hall of Fame. I know she's pushing pretty hard for that.

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