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March 23, 2024

K.H. Lee

Palm Harbor, Florida, USA

Innisbrook Resort (Copperhead)

Quick Quotes

Q. Eagle again on number 11. Second day in a row. Just can you walk us through the eagle?

K.H. LEE: Today I think little down off the right, so I hit a really good driver and solid 5-iron. I mean, and then putt everything perfect. Even yesterday and today I love to finish eagle both days.

Q. Overall pretty solid round, do you think?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, I mean, pretty solid round. A little couple difficult ones, I was grinding on the 18th hole, make a bogey, so hopefully tomorrow make a par or a birdie.

Q. It's so packed that you're still pretty close to the leader, not too far away, so a lot of people in between though, right?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, I mean, everybody like play well. And then tomorrow, I don't know, I don't know yet leading, but, yeah, a lot of guys leading by a bit.

Q. I know you don't know Se Ri Pak very well, but what are your thoughts on her influence in golf in Korea?

K.H. LEE: You know, yeah, Se Ri Pak is like, how to explain? Just like really legend. I'm very young at that time and she won the U.S. Open '98. A lot of Korean people, her make a lot of emotionally, brave, and then like lot of Korean make happy.

Q. It was a big moment.

K.H. LEE: Yeah, she's really big in Korea. Legend of legend. I don't know how to say it.

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