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March 22, 2024

K.H. Lee

Palm Harbor, Florida, USA

Innisbrook Resort (Copperhead)

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 today, lowest score so far. How would you sum up that round?

K.H. LEE: Windy day. Pretty hard conditions. But I tried to be patient. I tried more kind of play smart, more center of green, and some times if I have a good number I attack the pin. Kind of like, I made an eagle on 11, that was some good momentum. I played well today.

Q. When you say patient and smart, that just sounds like making good decisions and executing well, and you did that today?

K.H. LEE: Yes, on the front nine I remember I didn't hit many greens. It was windy. Hard to hit the fairway. I tried to hit center of the green and then if I miss be in a more better spot and had a lot of up-and-downs, that helped, too.

Q. This is your fourth time here at this course?

K.H. LEE: Yes, yes.

Q. Third time.

K.H. LEE: Yes, I think so, yeah.

Q. Seems like looking at your finishes, around 30th, 20th, now you're in position to be up there, what do you learn in those last two tournaments for this week here at this golf course?

K.H. LEE: I think this course you really need to be patient. It's always windy here, I remember. The last stretch of holes is pretty challenging holes. I mean, you have to be patient, and then you need to hit great iron shots and putting. So, I'm going to work a lot on my iron shots.

Q. Happy to be finished early?

K.H. LEE: Yeah.

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