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March 21, 2024

Alexandra Forsterling

Palos Verdes Estates, California, USA

Palos Verdes Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I know a 2-under day is pretty impressive on a course like Palos Verdes. Overall, I want to know the feelings you have after making your first LPGA Tour start as a member here at Palos Verdes?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, I was definitely nervous for sure, but I was telling myself before the round, it's just a normal round of golf. Enjoy it. Have fun.

Yeah, I mean, it's what I did. It was really overall consistent and I just waited for the birdie chances and, yeah.

Q. What's it been like since your win in Tampa on the Ladies European Tour now that you had a couple weeks to reflect?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: It was definitely a confidence boost, also because, you know, a couple of the LPGA girls were playing in it.

So it was, yeah, definitely a good prep for here that I can compete here and I'm good enough. Yeah, but I'm still really overwhelmed and super happy.

Q. When you say overwhelmed, I love asking about that. What do you think is a little -- what is overwhelming to you? What does that mean to you?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: It's just, you know, everything that comes with a win is just like so many messages, so many really, really nice messages, and, yeah, a lot of media, too.

Just also the feeling that you have, because after every win you don't really quite realize it, and, I mean, you don't get used to it, yeah.

Q. I know after your win you spoke a little bit about it, but something on your mind is the Olympics. Because of what you were able to do in Tampa, your Rolex Ranking shot up. What is it like putting that in the back of your mind but still having that as a goal as you come out here, especially in your first LPGA Tour event of the season?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, Olympics was always a dream of mine. When you grow up and you watch it, every single time it's just like, you know, being a part in it would be amazing.

And, yeah, Tampa really helped me, but I tried not to worry about it too much. I just, you know, play my own game and take it one step at a time.

Q. To be able to kind of take in everything around your LPGA debut, you've played LPGA Tour events before. What's maybe different to you as a player now maybe as opposed to teeing it up on the LPGA before?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, I only played U.S. Open once, and, I mean, that was just as an amateur, too. So it's like it's a little bit of a gift, and now it's like a really great opportunity.

You know, it's also a little bit of a different pressure. Back then as an amateur you just want to enjoy the week as much as you can and try to play good.

Now it's like you really want to, you know, succeed.

Q. Now that we got this first round under your belt, what are you taking away from day one as you think about day two?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I think we had a really good plan for every single hole, so I'll definitely try that tomorrow again.

Yeah, just play my own game and really have fun.

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