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February 25, 2024

Albane Valenzuela

Pattaya, Thailand

Siam Country Club Pattaya, Old Course

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Albane, very impressive day, 63. I think a new career low 18 hole score for you on this tour. You gave it your all. How are you feeling coming off the green and just kind of waiting for the inevitable?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I mean, just really proud of myself. I gave everything I had. I did not leave anything off the table. Dug in deep but also stayed extremely calm.

It's funny, yesterday I felt a little bit more nervous. Today I just had the sense of inner peace that I could do it. I was just foot on the gas and just tried to go get it. I told my dad, let's go to 20.

I'm just really just proud of myself. I just fought really hard and I just see that I can make putts under pressure. I have the level to compete at this stage, and my time will come.

Q. When you had that eagle, what did at that do for the rest of your round, and how did that spark some more momentum for you?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, it was so funny. I started the round and missing a lot of greens, missing a lot of fairways, and this was just -- all good people on this tour -- and, yeah, it was really fun to have that eagle.

My dad was like oh, please ball fly. I was like no, dad, it's perfect. Gave my a little bit momentum because I was definitely missing greens on my front nine, missing a lot of fairways, and I just had to grind, so that gave me a little cushion to start digging a little bit deeper.

On the back nine I started playing really solid golf.

Q. When did it click on the back nine for you do you think?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: I don't think there was anything that really clicked. It's funny, I kept having these streaks of one-putts. I was like, how long can I keep a streak of one-putt, a green in regulation, even if I putt off the green.

I was like, I can do it. Then, you know, it was kind of like this funny thing. From 7 onwards I only had one-putts. For all the people that told me I could not putt, there you go.

Q. Just in general to put yourself in this position and to be here, what was it like for you kind of waiting for a potential playoff?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: You know, I mean, it was really fun. I mean, I love it and I want to be in this position more often, and I hope I'll put myself in this position next time.

It's really fun. I think I've never enjoyed playing a Sunday as much as I did today just because of how calm I was. I told my dad, I finally got out of my way and I really understood a lot about myself today.

So really excited to keep this momentum moving forward in the season.

Q. This is a big year. Solheim Cup year and Olympic year. What does a performance like this do for your confidence moving forward in this season and how much do you look forward to potentially making a Solheim Cup team and getting back to the Olympics again?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: It's huge. I'm not going to lie you have by saying there were not a lot of doubts early in the season. I doubted might be a little bit as a competitor, and I think days like today just prove I have it in my heart.

And, yeah, it's huge for me, but I think it just shows all the hard work I put in. I really grinded with my team. Started with a new coach, and it's been really good. I'm happy to see the results pay off.

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