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February 16, 2024

Brandin Podziemski

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Team Pau

Press Conference

Team Detlef 41, Team Pau 36

Q. The Rising Stars team you were on has some players coming from overseas. What do you think about these multination teams?

BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: I think it's amazing. Like I told people before, I started my basketball journey kind of watching overseas guys and how they played, how the team was more oriented on ball movement and passing to one another to get everybody into a rhythm.

So to see a lot of those guys come over here now and be a big part of it, Wembanyama for example, it's just really cool to see that. To see the game of basketball be globalized and welcoming to so many countries, different players from so many different countries over here, it's great. It goes back to young kids, wherever they're from, they can make it here.

Q. Was the plan in your mind to be a starter 52 games into your NBA career? Did you think you were maybe going to have to wait a little longer for that or work a little harder? But it seems to be coming together for you.

BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: Selfishly, I wanted to be a starter from day one. Did I think I earned that? No. I have high standards for myself. I wanted to win both games tonight. Obviously, we didn't.

But I think it's just a testament to what I kind of put into the game, how smart I am when it comes to the game, just seeing things. Given my athleticism isn't that of others, I've got to find other ways to be more prepared, see things a little bit differently. I think I do that with my free time in what I choose to focus on.

To be starting, it's cool, but I'd rather finish games. Steve having me out there when the game matters most is what's most important to me. It's cool to start, but if he takes you out and you don't play, what's the point?

I just want to be there when it's money time, and so do a bunch of other guys on our team. I think that's why we're a winning organization.

Q. Do you think it's your playmaking, and then rebounding, extra possessions, things like that that has you on the floor in games?

BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: Yeah, it's everything but the scoring. The charges I take, lead the league in charges, the passes I make. The big thing for me is not turning the ball over, playing defense and finding ways to make shots. That's really it. Everything else falls into place.

I get open shots from them. Give the ball to Andrew and Jonathan in space and let them play. Those are small little things to do to get your numbers up. Even though that's not really the goal. Just playing simple, making the easy play, and the game rewards you.

Q. Brandin, obviously you're one of the more competitive guys out here today, but you came into this room visibly frustrated. You're bloodied up. Your gear is all torn up. Can you talk a little bit about the competitive nature of the game out there, the environment out there. In a All-Star setting, people say you have to bring the competitive back to the All-Star Game. I don't think it was lacking in Rising Stars.

BRANDIN PODZIEMSKI: I think it was very obvious the G League team brought it. They're playing for of a much bigger reason than just the game. The guys from the G League Ignite are trying to show they can be drafted high. Mac McClung, Alondes Williams, they're two-way guys. They're trying to make rosters.

You could tell. It was evident. They played hard from the jump. All they cared about is winning. For us, we're happy to be here. Feel like we earned it. It was given to us. Obviously, the results showed.

I would love to have a really competitive, like a real game. I only know how to play basketball one way. For me to be out there and be like it's whatever, I can't play like that. I think in the future, if we have that, especially Rising Stars game kind of sets the tone for the weekend, and maybe that carries over into the All-Star Game.

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