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February 3, 2024

Yahui Zhang

Pattaya, Thailand

Quick Quotes

Q. Yahui, congratulations. 66 in the third round. Can you assess your play today for us?

YAHUI ZHANG: I think today play pretty perfect actually because I didn't imagine today the I could play 6-under. I just think, oh, maybe it's like 4- or 5-under.

But I play seven birdie. I didn't imagine that.

Q. What was working well for you today?

YAHUI ZHANG: I think it's putter because I putt many, many birdies today. And also I think my sand wedge is pretty good. I play two balls like this far, only this far, but it's rolling away, but still it's a birdie.

Q. What was the longest birdie putt that you made today?

YAHUI ZHANG: Seven yards. It's hole 7. Yeah, the par-3.

Q. You moved your way really into contention for this championship. Do you start to think about tomorrow and what could be?

YAHUI ZHANG: I can't imagine that because anything is possible. I think I just do myself and just relax, enjoying the game.

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