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February 1, 2024

Eila Galitsky

Pattaya, Thailand

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under today, share of the lead. How pleased are with your round today?

EILA GALITSKY: Very pleased. I was bogey-free, which I haven't had one of those in a while. A couple putts could have dropped, but all in all, really pleased.

Q. Was there any particular hole that stood out good or bad?

EILA GALITSKY: Yeah. On the 8th I had I think 240 yards in and I hit a really decent 3-wood with a cut and it went on the green, so I was really proud of that shot.

Q. And in terms of there was a bit of rain that came into play. Did you change your approach? How did you manage that situation?

EILA GALITSKY: I think it didn't affect me on the first and second shot, but on the greens I just felt it was a little bit slower, so just added a little bit more speed to my putts.

Q. After that when the sun came back down hard again, how hard was it to manage this new situation?

EILA GALITSKY: It's not that bad. I'm used to it. I am from Thailand, so we get this weather a lot. We don't get much rain, which is weird for this week, but it's hot here.

Q. What's the plan for tomorrow? Anything you'll be tweaking or just the same?

EILA GALITSKY: Just do a couple more putts. I strike the ball really nicely. Maybe do a couple wedges and hopefully do better tomorrow.

Q. And I know it's still early days, but what would it mean to you to be able to defend your title and be possibly the first back-to-back champion on home soil?

EILA GALITSKY: It would mean everything. I mean, even being back-to-back is already great, but to do it on home soil is even better. I just don't want to get ahead of myself. Just going to play it shot by shot.

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