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April 1, 1995

Conchita Martinez


Q. Obviously you expected a much tougher match, I would think.

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: Yeah, you can't always expect easy match in semifinals tournament, but I think I played very well, good match, good tactic and, you know, so that's what happened.

Q. She said she felt low energy out there today. Did she seem tired to you?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: Well, I mean, I was trying to get her tired with high balls and trying to get the short ball and try to finish the point with my forehand, so, you know, I was trying to move her round a little bit and of course you get tired when you play everything up there.

Q. Is she one of those frustrating players because you don't know what to expect; sometimes she makes unbelievable shots, sometimes it looks like she has someplace else to go?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: No, I mean, she's a good player, she's been playing very good, but I don't think she likes high balls like I played today so...

Q. Did you really expect a closer score?


Q. Did you expect a closer score?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: Well, you can't expect anything, you just -- you know, depends how everybody plays, you know. I play a good match and she didn't play her best match, so it's --

Q. Do you feel like this is the best you've been playing in a long time?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: I'm playing good. My confidence is back and so I feel pretty good.

Q. What about tomorrow against Maleeva, how do you feel? You've beaten her twice in straight sets.

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: She is a tough player, she hits the ball very hard. And I don't know, I haven't played her on clay but, you know, just try to play my best and try to win that match.

Q. Are you a little surprised when she's not doing well; she keeps still trying to go to the net, go for the lines, she doesn't try to play safer?


Q. Natasha.

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: Well, maybe she doesn't like to play safer and she likes to hit the ball and try to go to the net. I mean, I think against me she had to do that because she doesn't have the patience. So it was good. I mean, sometimes she hits some pretty good shots, but I the think that I didn't get nervous, I keep doing my game.

Q. After yesterday when you struggled for about the first set-and-a-half did you go out there today maybe a little bit more ready to play than yesterday?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: No, I was ready yesterday, so I'm sure about that. A match like yesterday gives you a lot of power, like, you know, that you came back and, you know -- I was nearly going to lose that match and I finally win it and so that gives you a little strength to come back in the match and play your best.

Q. How do you think you're going to feel tomorrow morning?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: Hopefully good.

Q. Do you get more nervous in a final?

CONCHITA MARTINEZ: No, I'll be fine.

AMY CONLEY: Anymore questions? All right. Thank you.


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