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November 21, 2023

Milos Raonic

Team Canada

Press Conference

M. RAONIC/P. Kaukovalta

6-3, 7-5

Team Canada - 1

Team Finland - 0

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Milos.

Q. Can you just tell us about your overall level today, Milos, in comparison to maybe in Canada where you also played excellently at times?

MILOS RAONIC: Yeah, it was tough not knowing much about him, so it took me a little bit of time to get into it. But I think once I got into a bit of a rhythm, haven't played much tennis a couple months now, so once I was able to get kind of my footing, it was pretty good.

You know, the most important thing, I served well, take care of my serve, and I created quite a few opportunities. Yeah, just kept putting myself in good positions and it worked out pretty well.

Q. When did you know that you were going to be playing him? When you say you didn't know much about him, did you know anything about him? What did you do to find out what you could?

MILOS RAONIC: An hour before. I think you can change the lineup till an hour before. So I knew about it then.

Alexis played him, but I think he played him in college maybe three or four years ago he mentioned. He had a few things to say. I just went quickly on Google and just tried to look up his results last couple weeks and this year. Just went out there and tried to figure it out.

Q. How does it feel to get a victory with Canada after so long?

MILOS RAONIC: Yeah, it's a great feeling, great feeling especially considering the success that both the teams, men's and women's, have had this last 12 months.

To be here alongside these guys, contributing and trying to just enjoy it, yeah, you know, you appreciate these moments a lot more once there is not as many of them.

Q. I know you kind of addressed what it was like when you knew who you were going to play, but when do you find out? Do you know last night? When is the decision made that, Milos, you're going to be playing in the first match? When do you find that out exactly?

MILOS RAONIC: Yeah, we discussed it a while ago. We were just kind of, like, hopeful. Then nothing was guaranteed. I was struggling with a few things physically. We said this morning, Hey, let's warm up and let's see how I feel.

Then I warmed up with Alexis early, like usual. We said, Okay, I feel like I'm ready to go. Just made the call. But I was in the mindset for a while that if all is good, I will play.

Q. Do you accomplish the expectations you had for the match, for what you expected before going into the game?

MILOS RAONIC: Yeah. You know, I was able to do things well that I wanted to. I knew after not playing I needed to take care of my serve. I was able to really face not much pressure there.

Then I kind of got better and better and got into more and more games and had to get a bit lucky in his service game, but it all worked out and something positive.

Q. You said it's been nice to be able to sort of make a contribution to this great period of Canadian tennis. Just wondering what it's been like for you as one of the leaders of this period to watch and observe it happen when maybe you haven't been involved?

MILOS RAONIC: Yeah, it's been a lot of pride and a lot of great feelings coming from it, just because, yeah, I remember from the first time that I was there as a hitting partner alongside the team in Calgary, I believe it was against Colombia back then, so it's got to be like 2017, '18 maybe. No, '08 , '07. You know, I think we were playing to stay in Group I back then, America's Group I or whatever the structure is. Then in 2011 we had the chance to get into the World Group after first time in a long time.

You know, there has been a whole lot of progress over the years with it, and we have been a staple now in the World Group's stage. We have been now at the top of it. So seeing all that, being a part of all that, it's something pretty incredible.

I think it just speaks to a lot more because it's not the individual achievements Canadians have also had. I think it's significant about the process and the systems that are in place throughout the country that help Canadian tennis players that want to achieve their goals succeed.

Q. Can you tell us the secret of your massive serve?

MILOS RAONIC: Hit it hard and hit it close to the line (smiling). Thank you.

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