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October 19, 2023

Alexandra Forsterling

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove

Quick Quotes

Q. Alex, so 9-under round today. Bogey-free with an eagle on the last.


Q. Pretty special round. Talk about how you're feeling, how was the round. Just walk us through what happened out there.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, it was a lot of fun. My putter was really on. I putted great. I mean, I holed everything it feels like. Once I was on the green it was in the hole.

I was just a lot of fun. Yeah, that the last putt dropped was just a bonus.

Q. Obviously coming in first, it doesn't come with a prize, but how does it feel to be on top of a field of 188 right now? Has to feel pretty good.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, no, feels really good. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, just feels amazing. But, yeah, I mean, my goal is to just get through this stage and then go on to the next one.

But it's definitely, yeah, a little bit of a confidence boost to know that I can compete on a really high level here, and then hopefully do the same on the next stage.

Q. And then you mentioned confidence. Does your game plan change after you put up a number like that heading into tomorrow, or just go about your business the same way?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, no, just the same way. Just have fun. I know that Bobcat is a little different, and I think I like Panther a lot more, but I think I will just try to do the same and just have fun.

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