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October 19, 2023

Gregory Soto

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Chase Field

Philadelphia Phillies

Pregame 3 Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We'll get started with Gregory Soto.

Q. I just wanted to ask about the other night with the fan that ran on the field. Any moments of nervousness? Seems like you guys kind of had some fun with it.

GREGORY SOTO: Yeah, yeah, not nervous. I just saw the guy running, and then I saw the other guy coming, like, hard. I say, What the (expletive)?

Q. Fun moment for the bullpen, I guess, out there. Your reactions when you saw them on video.

GREGORY SOTO: Yeah, Yeah. They're still laughing right now about that.

Q. The question is between this outing and Nola's and Wheeler's outing, what do you do to stay active, to stay sharp on the mound?

GREGORY SOTO: So I try to stay ready as much as I can. For example, today I have a touch and feel before the game. Sometimes even after the game, if I don't come in the game, I throw a little more, you know, just to stay sharp.

Honestly the best ally that you have is the adrenaline. The adrenaline gets you ready like that. You know, it's amazing how quick you get ready when you feel that adrenaline going through your veins.

Q. How do you compare the fan base in Philly, here in Arizona, when you compare it to the fan base in the DR? How the fans get into a game and stuff.

GREGORY SOTO: There's really no comparison with Phillies fans. There's nothing like it.

In the DR the stadiums are smaller, so that may give you a chance to hear the fans' comments a little better, and especially because they're in Spanish. But in Philly, you hear just noise because it's so many fans. But in the DR because the stadiums are smaller, you are able to hear comments sometimes.

Q. What do you like about how the Phillies coaches are able to prepare each pitcher and maybe give you an idea of how to attack hitters in the season, especially in the playoffs?

GREGORY SOTO: Yeah, I mean, they've definitely done a great job. The whole pitching staff is doing a great job.

When you see results, there's nothing else you can say about it. So I'm very thankful to be part of this pitching staff, and the coaches do a great job with us.

Q. I wanted to follow up on that question. Gregory, in Detroit you were the closer. Now you're in a bullpen where you can pitch almost any inning. Especially when you get to these games, how do they prepare you for when you might pitch?

GREGORY SOTO: Actually, that experience as a closer with the Tigers has helped me be ready for these moments. I try to be ready for any inning they need me, but, again, I think it's because of the experience that I got in Detroit that I'm able to do that here.

Q. When you're in the home bullpen at Citizens Bank Park, can you hear the fans get on visiting pitchers when they warm up, and do you guys talk about it?

GREGORY SOTO: Yeah, yeah, they're talking a lot to the other guys. I know that they get mad because the fans -- you know, especially when they are losing. When they are losing, they are saying things.

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