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October 17, 2023

Alexandra Forsterling

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove

Quick Quotes

Q. So 3-under round today. Talk about your round. How are you feeling out there? What was going right for you?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: No, it was good. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. It felt very calm I would say. I got off on a slow start; I was 1-over after nine.

Then I made a couple really nice birdies, and then the par-5 in the end, reachable in two also helped. So, yeah, it was really good.

Q. This is your second time at Stage II. How did the first time prepare you for this week?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: It's always obviously nice if you know the courses already. Kind of learn from your mistakes from last year, so I guess that's kind of what I did now.

Obviously last year was a bit of a crazy year, so it feels a lot nicer this year, yeah.

Q. What kind of momentum does this give you going for the next three days?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, I'm just going to try to do, yeah, my best and just continue to do what I did today and have fun. That's all I can do, yeah.

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