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October 15, 2023

Scott Vincent

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Royal Greens Golf & Country Club

Iron Heads GC

TV Quick Quotes

Q. How does that feel?

SCOTT VINCENT: Incredible. Incredible. What an amazing year. What an amazing day. All I can do is just thank God for this amazing opportunity to be here, and how he kept me going today through all the ups and downs, it was just amazing.

Q. It was so unlikely because you were 17 points outside, so you needed a finish like you've had here to give yourself any chance. After day one, there wasn't a massive sign that anything special was going to happen, but really the big movement was yesterday with that 62.

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, yesterday was incredible. Talk about a day when things just kind of went your way. It's what we train for. It's how we think we're playing. But for it to turn out the way it did was just incredible.

Q. Are you feeling the kind of support that you've obviously had this week? People have been pulling for you like no other.

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, it's been incredible. I can't tell you how many high fives I just received from so many different people.

Q. I remember the very first place I played as a professional was a place called Salisbury and it was called the Rhodesian Dunlap, now Harare in of course Zimbabwe. We've had so many people up on the board here with X and this kind of thing right here. The support for you has just been tremendous. It's such a wonderful feeling.

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, I have so much support from back home in Zimbabwe. It's incredible. It's great to represent them and hopefully inspire some of the youngsters coming through. There's obviously my brother who's good enough to be out here and hopefully he's going to get that chance next year.

Q. He'll play in the promotion relegation event?

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, at the moment he's in for that, so that's the plan. Could be a really cool story to have both of us out here.

Q. I know a mate of yours actually tweeted in from Mozambique, an old school classmate of yours. You've got people rooting for you across the planet. Did you sleep last night?

SCOTT VINCENT: You know, I did. Not as well as I would have liked, but I did. It goes with the territory.

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