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October 7, 2023

Nataliya Guseva

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Quick Quotes

Q. I know maybe not the last nine that you might have wanted, but hung in there today, just fought it. How good does it get to get a 2-under out of today when it was a grind out there?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: It feels pretty good. The game is in a good space, and I feel like I just have to get some momentum tomorrow and go and get it.

I'm not trying to do anything special out here. I'm just going to take it shot by shot, and whatever happens happens.

Q. Knowing that you have to do something, maybe go a little low tomorrow, what's the mindset? You've got nothing to lose at this point. Why not just go after everything?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: For sure, yeah, there is nothing to lose, but it's the same game. It's the game of golf, and I'm just going to go and have fun and enjoy myself there, and take it, as I said, shot by shot and really try not to be aggressive out there. You just have to play golf.

If it comes, it comes. If it's not, it's not. That's golf.

Q. Looking at it, 11 of 35, still get that paid exemption into Q-Series, get to skip stage 2, which I know is a big goal for a lot of people. For you, too, just depending on what happens tomorrow, what would that mean to be able to get an exemption into Q-Series and have it paid for?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, for sure it means a lot. Just like playing good golf throughout the whole season, getting the win, as well.

It means a lot, but I'm still having my goals to get that LPGA Tour card, and yeah, we'll see.

Q. How cool is it for you to be in this position? I know this is something every girl has dreamed of for so long, to be where you're at now and have that shot.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, I'm just a rookie. For sure it would be amazing to get it straight away. But I know there is a lot to learn, and for sure I would be so delighted to get that card for sure.

Q. We'll talk about a good memory. You got that win earlier this year. When you look back over the course of your season and look at that win, what have you learned about yourself that maybe you've taken into this week or will take into the final round tomorrow that will help you stay level-headed?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: You know, in the last round whenever I won in Utah, I just got into momentum and I didn't think about winning, which was really great. I was just thinking about right now, what's happening in the moment, and taking it shot by shot. I wasn't thinking about the scores or anyone else. I think that's the best thing that I can do. Just putting yourself out of the pressure.

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