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September 13, 2023

Kimberly Dinh

Elverson, Pennsylvania, USA

Stonewall (North Course)

Quote Quotes

Q. Finalist in the U.S. Women's Mid Am. How does that feel right now?

KIMBERLY DINH: It's exciting. I've just been taking it one shot at a time and just plotting along and just trying to put good swings on everything. Just kind of kept plotting along and stayed positive.

Q. Start with the last match. The front nine was a little back and forth there between holes 3 and 6. What were those like? And then you picked up some around the turn.

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, yeah, Gretchen was hitting good shots. I was a little loose with my shots so had a slow start. Just kind of kept it -- kept myself in it and just kind of kept plotting and plugging away.

Figured I was going to have opportunities. I was getting enough good shots in the morning that swing was going to come around and I would get going.

Q. Talk me through 8, 10, 11. You won those holes.


Q. Won 8 with a par, the par-5.

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, 8 was just I hit a good wedge in, had a good number. Gretchen just missed it a little left and had a tough chip.

But just had a good wedge. Hit it to a similar spot to where I did this morning so I was familiar with the putt. Knew it was going to be quick, so not going to get too aggressive with it.

Q. Then 10, the par-4.

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah. That pin was tucked. It gave me trouble in the morning, so it was nice to put it on the green up on that shelf.

Gretchen just ended up in a little bit of trouble, so kept it easy. Was critical to find the green on 10.

Q. Any shots stand out on the back nine? I saw your shot in to about three or four feet on 14 to go 4-up.

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, that one was critical. I had just missed a short one on the last hole. Just kind of a little (indiscernible), tugged it, so that one was nice to have.

And then made a really critical par save on 11. Ended up right -- not in a great spot with the pin running away from you, but holed a good putt. Seeing that putt in the morning (wind interference.)

Q. How long was that putt?

KIMBERLY DINH: 15, 20 feet.

Q. Nice.


Q. Back I guess to the quarterfinal match this morning. A lot of golf today.


Q. Picked up a good win against Alexandra. What stands out in that match?

KIMBERLY DINH: A lot of steady golf. Honestly it's hard to remember already from this morning. Yeah, I think I just played a lot of steady golf. Had a couple hiccups on 9 and 10, but otherwise just making a lot of pars and making it as easy on myself as possible.

Q. I think you won the first two holes in that match, maybe with two pars. Does that obviously just help kind?

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, it helps to get out to an early lead. It's nice and you get into a rhythm. Yeah, didn't have to do -- made two good pars. Didn't have to do a whole lot. Hit a great 3-wood into 1. Hole was definitely playing long today, so it was nice to hit the green with a 3-wood and get your day started out right.

Q. Yeah. How does it feel to be competing for a spot in the U.S. Women's Open tomorrow?

KIMBERLY DINH: I'm excited. It's fun. Really want to play the U.S. Open. That's probably like one of the last things left on my Bucket List in terms of competitive amateur -- competitive golf that I really want to get checked off.

Excited to have the opportunity to do that and win the U.S. Mid-Am.

Q. Yeah. I saw you played in an LPGA event earlier this year. What was that like?

KIMBERLY DINH: Oh, so much fun. So that's on my home course in my hometown, and so there was so many supporters out there, colleagues, friends, family. It's just a lot of fun playing in front of them. You never get a home game in golf so that was just a thrill.

We made the cut and played really well, so that was -- it was just a lot of the fun.

Q. Out there today did you have some family out?

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, so I got my fiancée out here; got my parents out here. They been out here all week.

And had two of my aunts out here for the stroke play and the first round of match play as well.

So it's always fun. Gives them a reason to travel, too, and watch the golf a little bit. But gives them a reason to take a trip.

Q. Have you been playing a lot of competitive events this summer in Michigan?

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, so won the Michigan Mid-Am at the beginning of the summer, and then semifinals at our State Am the beginning of August. So just playing steady golf. That Dow LPGA event was (indiscernible), but that's been about it.

I mean, honestly, the schedule was up in the air at the beginning of this year. I broke my ankle skiing at the end of January so I didn't move until the end of April.

Q. Wow.

KIMBERLY DINH: Yeah, so good to get back and play at least something.

Q. Right. Did you get the whole week off of work this week or are you having to now take...

KIMBERLY DINH: Working a little bit. I've been checking my emails. There are some things I just got to check in on. So definitely worked after the practice rounds earlier last week and then did a little bit of work yesterday. Probably should do a little bit tonight. Not a whole lot.

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