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September 2, 2023

Gordon Sargent

St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, it was kind of a perfect 3-wood number, but I would have had to start it over the road, so I was like, I've been driving it well all day, and just aimed left and hit a big cut. It kind of wasn't going to cut too much ever.

It ended up kind of rolling up perfectly and had a good look from like 25, 30 feet and able to two-putt it.

Q. This road? Start it over this road?

GORDON SARGENT: That's where my 3-wood would have had -- but I hit driver and started it over there.

Q. That was the second best drive of the week here, wasn't it?

GORDON SARGENT: Second closest on this hole, yeah.

Q. You hit the stick, what day what that?

GORDON SARGENT: Tuesday, yeah. My partner didn't make the putt, but I'm not going to announce who that was.

Q. Where was the flag when you hit the stick?

GORDON SARGENT: It was left.

Q. You guys are both quick players. Is that helpful to you to kind of have a good mojo out there?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I think so. Obviously kind of you have to wait around a little bit with more crowds not being first off, but we're both good players and it was enjoyable, and just kind of fed off the fans a little bit.

Q. He started clawing back there a little bit on the back nine. What's it like having your opponent start to get some holes back, take a lead?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, I was hitting actually pretty good shots. Like on 10, hit it just short of the green, three-putted. Then 12, hit a really good shot that just went over the green in not a very good spot. 13, hit it kind of what I was thinking and went into a bush.

Yeah, it's hard not to get frustrated. I did get frustrated, but it was nice to just kind of -- I knew that I was playing good golf and I kind of stuck with it and gave myself birdie looks.

Q. Did Captain say anything to you guys after the morning round?

GORDON SARGENT: Not really. I think we knew what we had to do this afternoon. We weren't really down. We knew that we didn't bad golf, they played well, and hats off to them, but we knew singles where we could take advantage, and we were able to get off to a good start.

Q. What was one thing that impressed you about Jack's game?

GORDON SARGENT: Just his resiliency. I was 2-up early, and he just started hitting some good shots. He obviously didn't hit it super great in the beginning, but he always was in position on the hole, which is tough when you're playing match play.

Q. What's it like out there? You obviously don't know what's going on but you can hear little pockets.

GORDON SARGENT: From the European team?

Q. Yeah.

GORDON SARGENT: It stinks. You kind of feed off it a little bit. Obviously you wish you could get -- like say something to them or not, but you kind of just let your golf do the talking for you, and that kind of motivated me a little bit.

Q. I noticed your caddie is pretty vocal out there. How did you guys set that up in terms of getting sort of a bond on that?

GORDON SARGENT: Yeah, it's definitely something I value in a caddie. It's just like kind of helping commitment levels, and the more we can talk through a shot, the better. Alan has done a really good job of not overthinking it but also making sure I'm thinking about the right things before a shot, and yeah, definitely kind of paid off today.

Q. Was there any thought about maybe dialling back a little bit with the aggressiveness once the wind came down?

GORDON SARGENT: I was driving it really well, so just kind of started doing that. But there were also a couple holes where you had to be on the right side of the wind.

I don't think so. I mean, I just felt like that was my game plan, and that's being aggressive this week, and that's going to give me the ability to shoot the best score, so I just kind of stuck with it.

Q. Going into tomorrow, there's two sessions left, but is it how you guys felt after the first session, or is there maybe a little bit more of a sense of urgency in foursomes tomorrow?

GORDON SARGENT: I don't think so. I think we know that if we go do what we're supposed to do and what we want to do, we're going to be right where we want to be, and we didn't necessarily do that this morning, but if we can just kind of get out of today just anywhere near, I think we'll be in a good spot.

Q. How have your thoughts on the golf course changed as you've played it more and more?

GORDON SARGENT: It's firmed up a lot. Yeah, that line on 17 you have to keep hitting it further and further right.

Q. What did you have in?

GORDON SARGENT: 142 today. Actually hit it pretty good. It's tough, it's right between numbers. You don't want to hit it long, but then if you hit it short -- it's a tough hole. I kind of knew that hitting it in that left rough, it's like where you have to hit it, but it's not a very good spot to that pin. Definitely was kind of pumped up to hit that fairway and just be able to go at it a little bit more.

Q. What about on 1? Your ball kept rolling and rolling. Were you surprised about that?

GORDON SARGENT: I think that was Jack's ball. It like rolled into the burn but stayed up on the wall.

Q. Did he play it from there?

GORDON SARGENT: He chopped it out, yeah.

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