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August 16, 2023

Neal Shipley

Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA

Cherry Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You actually never trailed in that match. How were you able to just hold him at bay for the entire match? I don't think he got more than 2-up the whole day.

NEAL SHIPLEY: I got off to a hot start with -- got a little lucky on 1. Got a putt to drop. Then another one on 2, two long ones. Made a little bit of a mistake on 3, but was able to just kind of keep playing really solid.

He played great golf the entire match, and I was able to capitalize on some of his mistakes. I think I just kept it a little bit straighter in between the short stuff.

Q. Of all the people in the field, seems like you're one of the guys having the most fun here this week. Can you just talk about that and why you're so happy just to be here?

NEAL SHIPLEY: I mean, getting to the U.S. Amateur is just so difficult. Competitive golf in itself is -- can just be so difficult and has its up and downs. I just try and enjoy it as much as possible.

And I'm going to be turning pro in maybe about a year or something like that, so possibly my last Amateur.

So just kind of soaking it all in and just having a fun time.

Q. What's it mean with your Pennsylvania background to go out there during the player barbecue and knock it on the green in Arnold Palmer's memory?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Mr. Palmer is such a legend in the western Pennsylvania area. If you talk to anyone, just anyone has stories about him and none of it's bad.

To be able to do that, this place with his club, it was just kind surreal and just so cool. Just cool experience.

Hope that maybe someday down the line I can be kind of like him for the western Pennsylvania area.

Q. Last thing here. Right before I left the media center Dan Hicks on the broadcast said you have the best hair in the field. Would you agree, and how are you going to just ride that hair momentum throughout the rest of the championship?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Well, you know, I definitely agree, and to help the momentum going, you know, we're going to have to condition tonight and get some work in, you know, on that part of the game so we're ready for tomorrow morning.

Q. What's it look like in the morning? Are we shampoo/conditioner every day, conditioner?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Usually condition every day, shampoo every other. Just got to try and keep it nice and fluffy I guess. (Laughter.)

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